Problem with a miter cut

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of taking over a frame made in profiles.

Problem: my angles don't want to cut and make me a nice miter cut.

I guess it comes from the shape of my profile, but I don't have any info on what I need to change to make it work.

We went from SW2016 to SW2019 a little while ago, I know the original part was made on a previous version.

The image attached in the zip shows the old part before I edited the function.

I'm attaching you: the room, the profile and an image of the result that I had and that I no longer have.

Could a charitable soul take a look at it and tell me what's wrong?

Thank you


Good evening @pa5cal

It works but you need to modify your basic sketch in a minor way.  (look at the attached image)
SW mixes brushes differently.

I'm in 2019 if you want the settings.
Otherwise I'll make you a nano tutorial ;-) for settings

Kind regards

Thank you@Zozo_mp

I could well imagine that it came from the sketch.

I have changed the rating to 0.011 and it works.

What I have a hard time explaining is why it worked before (in 2016) and that it doesn't work anymore in 2019...

So, I put a small image of my sketch so that people know the type of sketch that can be problematic

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 Hello Pascal,

To be  fair to the end, there is no sharp angle on this kind of profile! 

Kind regards

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Right, but I admit that I'm not going to be that extreme.

It's a profile that has existed for several years with us and I just wanted to fix the miter cut that no longer worked. The need for precision is not that great...

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 Yes Pascal, I understand that this detail won't change much in your project!

But hey, I've used it so much in manufacturing that I can't see it any other way ;-) ;-)

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