Problem scanning zero geometry thickness result


Following a creation of a debillarded stringer, I am posting this message because no problem to create the outer stringer but for the inner one a geometry message of zero thickness appears.

does anyone have the solution.

Attached photo and file

Kind regards 


Good evening

The proposal in the attached zip is a stringer with a constant inclination along its entire length.
Model in SW 2021 version.

Kind regards

The attached template is a new version that fixes two errors from the previous submission:
- the inclination of the stringer ( alfa angle) is defined in relation to the horizontal and not the vertical. This is more traditional in the stair design community, and consistent with the definition of helix pitch in the equations;
- in sketch 3D3, the tangency relationship of the lower segment with the helix caused an error of SW when changing the value of the alfa angle (overstress sketch).  The relationship has been removed and replaced by the dimension of the angle of inclination of the segment.

Thank you very much Mr.BLT 


Indeed, this type of error is observed when creating merged geometry resulting from point or line (curve) type contacts,

For solution,

  • It is necessary to position these reference geometry (planes) as well as the sketches so that the beginning, end and along the extrusion do not generate the contacts in question,
  • Or Work in multibody (uncheck the merge box).