Bubble problem with the sub-assemblies


I will describe a particularly annoying problem during the assembly drawing. It's not easy to explain, I hope it's understandable.


Consider an assembly {A}, containing subassemblies {B},{C} (with the "promote" configuration option checked).

In the MEP: 

  • A BOM associated with {A}. (first level only)
  • Three views, {A},{B},{C}   (The "link balloon text to the specified table" property does mention the nomenclature.)

Problem: the bubble works perfectly on {A}, but not on {B}, {C} some bubbles are displayed with a star, without obvious logic.... others work...


Any idea where this can come from?

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I also have the problem often with modifications more than at creation.
But there is no solution.

Isn't the element you're trying to use bubbles in your subset "excluded from the nomenclature"?

Try hanging your bubble on another piece of your subset

I checked, no exclusion nomenclature. I also tried to hang a functional bubble on another piece, without result.


Are there any configurations in the subassembly?

I have the same problem, but depending on the configuration in the view, the marker indicates an * or the marker.


To solve your problem, go to your drawing.

Select the subassembly and go to Other Properties.

Select the View Properties tab, and on the Balloons tab, select the correct BOM.

Hoping to have helped you,




In order to avoid having to check this option for every view and every plan creation, is there a way to set this option as checked by default in the Solidworks settings or include it in a drawing template?


We would have to put a view and the nomenclature that points to it in the model.
But I think SW doesn't agree to make a nomenclature without an associated 3d model.

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Hello S.Guilaume,

You also have the possibility in your MEP where your nomenclature is located which is linked to all views.

You click on your BOM in the top left corner, you go to the proiétés that are displayed in the left part of your screen, you click on "list in tab" with the option "with or without numbering" and "flat numbering" a column appears, with all the parts of your assembly with on the left edge of your BOM appears 3 small arrows you Click on it and all the parts that make up your subsets will appear, and there in the column where you want the marker to match you select the small + to see more and -  by pressing it again and that's it.

I hope to make it clear, for the moment my pc is being processed I can't take a screenshot.

Keep me informed, thank you.
