Subset bubble problem


I'm having a problem with the drawing of an assembly. On a sub-assembly (a cylinder, in this case), the bubble indicates "x", and the tooltip tells me that the component is excluded from the nomenclature. Which is obviously not the case! I looked at the different existing topics related to this problem: I checked that the drawing pointed to the right config and the right nomenclature. Nothing works and I'm drying up a bit...

I specify that my subassembly does appear in the nomenclature, and is parameterized so that its components do not appear in the nomenclature.

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you!

Hello @s.descamps

Ben! Uh!!!

If you say """ my subset does appear in the BOM, and is set up so that its components do not appear in the BOM.

So don't be surprised that """ the tooltip tells me that the component is excluded from the nomenclature. """

Logically an excluded person cannot be included! What do you think??

Kind regards

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This is the problem of SW, depending on the version I think it has evolved, but in general and strangely, if we tell SW not to consider the parts of an OS in a BOM (it therefore displays the SE in the BOM), when we do the bubble, it looks for the properties of the part!

  @ Zozo_mp : Actually I want my subassembly (the cylinder) to appear, but not its components (body and rod). So my assembly is included in the BOM, but its components are excluded (it's set up in the subassembly's config)


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@stefbeno : I just changed the setting (show child components) of my subset to try, but I still have the same behavior.

It's very annoying, I thought I would have it for 30 minutes and I've been on it since this morning!

Hello @s.descamps

have you tried with the PropertyManager Defeature  function because you have several quite flexible possibilities including in your ASM

Kind regards


PS:  on the other hand I have never tried the bubble in a Defeature context but I would be surprised if it works because the info is not transmitted since the goal is either to make it lighter or not to show the components for privacy reasons.
So maybe with a config with one for your ASM if you move your parts and one for the nomenclature in which you put the bare minimum


Wouldn't you have had "promote" in another nomenclature?

In this case, you can reassemble the subassembly in your BOM by clicking in the Feature Manager and restore to the BOM.



I should have put my images together... sorry


Well, well, a colleague helped me solve the problem (even if some points remain obscure). In fact, the problem was at the level of nomenclature and not of bubbles. By using a "first level only" nomenclature and not "Tabulated List", everything is back to normal.


Thank you @s.descamps for your feedback. Glad your PB is resolved ;-)

the devil of pipes has struck again, he who prevents the dark dots from becoming luminous.

Kind regards