Color problem

Hi all

I have a problem with the color when I make a piece and I assign a color to it, this color is not the one chosen in the proposed palette (see screenshot attached) the color is "pale".

I tried to take the parameters of a colleague who doesn't have the pb on his job but nothing helps.

Thank you for your help.


What if you go to the advanced options of your colors and reduce the illumination??

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Probably an ambient light problem, see this link to fix it:


Attached are 2 screenshots which show that when I change the specular quantity it could solve the pb. On the other hand, what does this option mean?

In addition, at my colleague's it is on 1 and the color is ok, on the other hand on my workstation it must be at 0 to be good.....


Capture 2


Wouldn't it be the colors of your screen that need to be adjusted?

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When your colleague saves a document and you open it on your computer, do you have the same problem?

And vice versa?

There must be different settings! Are you using the same document templates on the network?

@Bart, no, I don't think so, given his screenshots, the property manager seems to have the right colors.

@jsourd, it had already happened to me, I had several times color problems and each time, it came from this menu, one option or another that went out of whack on its own... I know it can be solved here but I can't give you more explanations about the specular quantity...

ok it comes from the Specular Dispersion/FLou slider which in my case is at 0.99. On the other hand, how do I set it to the right value by default?

What if you reboot?

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In fact it's a beug explanation:

I create the part adding color: ok parameter Specular Dispersion/FLou =0.69

I put a material + change color: ok parameter Specular Dispersion/FLou =0.69

I save + change color:  parameter Specular Dispersion/FLou = 0.99 so pb....

I don't know PK at registration the setting is stuck on 0.99.

What is the subject? Because some materials can change this parameter.

After changing the material, you do a CTRL Q and it stays at 0.69?

There is an SPR from SolidWorks on this:

What causes a color to look different when choosing that same color from the appearances PropertyManager color palette?


In the appearances PropertyManager there are two tabs, Basic and Advanced. If a color that has been applied to a part has advanced settings applied to it, it can still be the same color but appear different in the graphics area.

For example, if the default white color is applied to a part, it will have a particular appearance, if the Specular Spread under Advanced is changed from the default value of .67 to .975, then the part will appear "whiter" in the graphics area. Upon editing that appearance on the part and clicking on white in the color palette under Basic, the part will darken because the default white is being reapplied in which the Specular Spread has not been modified.

Changes to Advanced settings can be saved out as a custom color if it needs to be reused in other parts or assembly by clicking Save Appearance.

Edit: you have to be connected to to access the link.

When I change the subject it works well, it' s the recording that sets the pb. But I don't understand pk.

Is it a similar problem to this one?

Edit: a priori it's for the assemblies.

A priori it's a bug, only on your pest, so you can try to reset the SolidWorks settings, if you have saved them it's better, otherwise:

You have to try resetting the SolidWorks settings to see if it doesn't  come from the configuration of the workstation:


Close SolidWorks.


Go to regedit (Start > Run > regedit) and then rename the folder with _OLD at the end for example (to restore the settings later):


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\SolidWorks .... depending on the version you want to reset.


When you restart SW, you have the "factory" settings


The license keys are in another place, so no risks.


On the other hand, if it solves the problem, it's quite complicated to know which parameter in particular is causing the problem !


If you have kept an older copy of the settings, you should try it, or take the settings from a colleague's computer if possible.


Otherwise, you have to restore all the settings by hand, hoping not to find the bug later !


Or last solution, reinstall or repair the SolidWorks installation!


See this link :

So I uninstalled and then reinstalled Solid (after trying the repair) no improvement. Same for the parameters I left the starting ones of solid, tj the mm pb as soon as I make a recording it switches to the value of Specular Dispersion/FLou at 0.99... 

Tough indeed... and by importing the settings of the colleague's PC where does it work?


Where are the document templates? Are they divided?

yes all document templates are shared in addition with my settings on the colleague's workstation no PB...

How to import PC settings?

You need to use the wizard to copy the SolidWorks settings, it is located in the start menu, in the same folder as SolidWorks.


1) Export from the PC that works

2) Import to PC that is not working.


More info: