SOLIDWORKS Student Version Installation Issue


I am installing Solidworks 2014 SP2.0 but the installation manager gives me the following message:

"Additional files are required based on your selections.

Click here for a list of files


Navigate to the location with all the required files, edit the selected products, or enable downloads to get the missing files."


Someone has an explanation please.

Thank you

Your installation dvd is not complete, or it searches on the internet for the latest version which is the sp5 and fails.


I install it from the official solidworks website since I am a student 

From memory, you need to download the student version (.iso) and install it with the key provided to you by your school.


Do you have a screen print?

A screenshot is attached

By the way, I got a key, I just filled out a form on the site with the name of my institution and my email provided by the institution, and they gave me permission to download Solidworks student version.


I think the student version is a standard without a toolbox and without a complement.

So as seen on the image do not modify the first box where it different additional product (some like composing requires a specific key)

I removed tt the toolboxes, I left only Solidworks, but the problem persists.