Text display issue


I have a problem displaying text on Solidwork.

I write several texts but some seem bolder than others while the fonts and sizes are identical.

If you have a solution, thank you in advance.


Could you put us   a screen print?? Is it in a room or in a PEM???

It is in a sketch


I didn't notice any difference; why not do it on Word or Excel and then insert it into your room.

Don't you see a difference between the text on the left which is bolder than the one on the right?

I need to sketch my texts afterwards, can I do it with an inserted text?

I can see the difference. Wouldn't it be a parameter related to your column? Or a slightly bigger font?

No, the font is the same and I don't think it's from my column because it's just a sketch and on other columns, I have all the names well displayed and all the dates in bold (these are two different text boxes).



You are brave to do this, unfortunately the list must be very long.

What would you like to do next? If it's for an extrusion, you should already try on what you started before continuing, because depending on the font it may not work and become complicated to get a 3D.

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Hello, indeed it's very long, I have more than 1100 names and therefore as many dates to put in.

It's for laser cutting and the imposed font is unfortunately not one that is already ready to use.

But my text problem bothers me to do the MEP because on the MEP the fat also appears.

Have you tried selecting everything, changing the font and bold settings, and then going back to what you wanted?

Yes, I've already tried.

then you must have a problem with the spine

And what would it be?

I tried to delete an area that appears in bold and rewrite it but nothing changes, but a normal text box will appear in bold if I delete it to redo it.