Solidworks 2021 Display Issue

Hello, I'm coming to you for a recurring problem on solidworks (and a new one since the 2021 version): 

1st problem

- I create an assembly A
- I create display states of my assembly B (display state 1 and 2)
- I insert assembly A into assembly B, showing display state 1
- I repeat the operation by putting my assembly B in it, showing the display state 2
- So I finally have in my assembly A, my assembly B with display state 1, and assembly B with display state 2

And here is the mess...



I have "flying" parts that are hidden in my display state B, which appears in my Assembly A... I can't click on it, when I update the assembly nothing happens, my graphics card drivers are OK, I've tried everything but nothing works... Have you ever had the problem? How did you solve that? 


2nd problem:

Much simpler, we put the 2021 version in the office at the beginning of the week, and since then, when I rotate my assembly, the parts become transparent... Same, did you have the problem? 



I specify that these problems are identical on the other PCs in the office. 


Thank you for taking the time to read! 

Have a good day everyone.


Don't you think it's quite impossible that SW could have a bug of this type.

There are tens of thousands of people who use this version, quite a few of them on this forum. If there were problems of this nature, we would know about it.

So we have to proceed in order.

I would start by

Which version of Windows

Graphics card drivers and their Windows compatibility.

If you are on an isolated post
if your colleagues have the same PB (unless you work alone in your company under SW)

Do you only have the 2021 version or others not uninstalled.

If you answer all these questions, we will have a better chance of being able to help you.

Kind regards




Thank you for the answer. 

This 1st problem was already present when we use the 2020 version of Solidworks. 

We are working on Windows 10, the graphics card drivers are up to date, 

I leave in the PC the screenshots of the PC info. 

Thank you very much! 


Hello @tgalopin 

What about the graphics card? because on the HP Z4 G4 there are several choices including having two graphics cards. Indicate which card is installed on your workstation and is it the same on all workstations.

HP Z4 G4

If it dates back to 2020, it's curious that no one was interested in it instead.

If you have the 2021 version, it means that you are under maintenance until the end of the year. In this case, you should see with the hot line of your dealer because they can take control remotely and make a diagnosis in a few minutes.

Another point  that is not related to the display but that you do not talk about! Are you using EPDM and are your files on a central server or spread across all workstations?

Kind regards

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The graphics card of the PC is as follows: Nvidia Quadro P4000. My colleague has the same problem with an Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000 graphics card.

It works, in this case I will contact our dealer directly. 

Finally, the files are on a central server, and we don't use EPDM. 


Did you have an answer on that?

We have the same problem, when we zoom in on the assembly, the parts become transparent or some parts are not visible (but we can always select them when we hover the mouse over them).

Thank you for your feedback.