Display Problem on a Solidworks Assembly


I'm on Solidworks 2020, with an outdated but functional pc and I'm using an assembly I just created.

I have a display problem on my assembly below, since I've been working on it, I haven't had any problem until now,

I must have done a bad manipulation, now the textures bug and I can no longer change the display style (go from a color image state to a wireframe state.

The problem is present only on the set presented (file) I have tested it on several pcs and the problem persists, the problem is from the file.

Thank you for your potential answers.


Good evening

Do you have the same problem on comparable files or only on this file.

Do you have the same problems on the sub-ASM of the model oron the parts edited separately. This will allow you to see if it's only the main ASM that has the PB or other elements.

If it's only on this file and not on these components, you have to convert it to another native format and then switch it back to SLDASM.

You can also look at the display settings but from what you describe it smells like a corrupted file but let's wait for your additional information.

Kind regards

Hello zozo,

Thank you for the answer, my assembly is the only one to have the problem, my sub-assemblies and my parts have no problem,

I would have liked to know which native format used to do the manipulation you recommend?

I have positioned my general ASM in a higher ASM and the texture issues disappear but it is not ideal.

Kind regards


Hello hugo

Thank you for your feedback!

Try with the parasolid format for parts.

For the ASM I don't know because you risk losing all the flexibility in case of changes (as if you saved your ASM in PART)
Your solution to make a higher level ASM for an exceptional situation and surely the wisest solution.

I'll give you something to test with no guarantee of success.
You open your asm and you remove all the sketches that are no longer useful in the parts and the same for all the constraints and parts removed but not deleted.
In short, you do a good cleaning and it goes back to normal, because I've noticed this since the 2019 V5. I have nutty messages that disappear when cleaning (SW doesn't like dust left under the carpet apparently  ;-)       )  

Kind regards

Thank you zozo for your solution

I took the ASM under parasolid and it works, you have to plan to put all the constraints and external links back.

I have cleaned up the constraints and useless sketches, I can't get my basic ASM back, I'm going to conclude that it's corrupt.

Finally, I remember having the problem following a component that was far from my assembly in my 3D construction.

Thank you again for your help