Screw display problem



I have a small problem, there are several of us in our design office, when opening the assembly some draftsmen have problems with the display of screws. In the tree the part has the small orange panel with the "!" to specify that it has a problem and impossible to access the part from the assembly, in the SW property tells us the location of the source folder ....

H head screw, first of all you should know that we have several files that refer to this one so we think that this is the main cause. On the other hand, on my PC I never have this problem, I always manage to open this screw and I have no display problems like two other cartoonists. 


One of the cartoonists had the problem on the SW2014 version but for a few months he doesn't have the problem anymore, we switched to SW 2015SP5 on Wednesday and since then 2 other cartoonists have the problem. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate, if there is an option to check or uncheck to avoid this kind of problem.




Is the screws in a single folder or in a single tree ?

In the SolidWorks options, you can choose a search folder when it can't find the folders.


It can also happen if there are several instances of the same screw, SolidWorks uses the one opened first, and it may be older and not have all the configurations !

For example, my colleague opens an  assembly 4 screws at the top of the assembly and 2 screws at the bottom, H head screws, which are in the same folder the one above does not appear and the one below are correct. 


If it finds the parts but does not find the configuration because the file is in a folder of a later version, SW warns us by saying that it does not find the said configuration. In our case, SW doesn't give us any message, it just puts the screw in error...


When I talk about folders, it's the Windows folders: C:/..../.../1 or C:/..../.../2


Hello in fact toolbox and a database specific to the PC so it may be that the person who created the assembly modified the screw. To overcome this problem we created our own base of screws, washer and nut and etc since then it is simpler and the more we have given them our

Hello, in fact toolbox and a database specific to the PC so it may be that the person who created the assembly modified the screw. To overcome this problem we created our own base of screws, washer and nut and etc on our server and since then it is simpler and more we have given them our personalized properties with empty articles etc. Much clearer in the nomenclature...

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it must be a problem of screw bookcase

Is it an independent library to solidworks

as @PL says the library file doesn't take the same refs

so check your library folder link

this library must be stored outside SW


Our screw library is common for all designers,


Basically, we have an assembly of screws + bolt + washer, in this assembly some draftsman doesn't see the screw, others it's the nut .... I have visibility on all the assembly.

We don't use the solidworks library, we're more in clutter mode in T/Accessory/screws folders



My SW makes the difference and even if I open two assemblies, one with each reference all is displayed on another workstation it is not displayed when the second assembly is opened.

The basic problem is that SW cannot find the file following the station where the assembly is located.

Is this library shared over a network or does each workstation have a copy?


The library is networked, the problem is that there are screws with the same name in different places on the network.


I solved the problem by saving my system option settings on the network and my colleagues who had the problem recovering it. They no longer have any problems but suddenly I don't know how to rectify the problem in a simple way.


Thank you for your answer, if you have THE solution don't hesitate to post it and I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer.


Kind regards 


For me the easiest way is to tidy up and delete duplicates. Afterwards, as you open the ASM , you will have to look for the parts, but after that it will be done and that way you will no longer have any problems...


Hello, I agree with @Manu67 it's a source of problem to have several screws because if you add an info on one screw one day, it won't appear on all of them! 

Kind regards


As I said in my first answer, I think by copying your settings, you've copied your search paths.

For more information, see here:

In particular the "research paths" and "design library".

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