Solidworks Inspection Analysis Problem

Hi all 

I am calling on the Lynkoa community to try to help me solve a very restrictive problem. 

To start with, I'm going to introduce you to the software: 

Solidworks 2017 with Solidworks Inspection Add-in

Adobe Illustrator 2017 


So there you have it, I receive 2D dimensioned plans in PDF format from my clients. I would like to use the solidworks Inspection function which allows me to automatically bubble my dimensions in order to have, both my bubbled dimension plan in PDF format, and my excel file with the correspondence of my dimensions ready to be used in metrology. To do this, I initially dragged my PDF to solidworks, but the surprise, solidworks can't open it if I don't have Adobe Illustrator CS3 or later. No problem, I download the trial version (before investing) of adobe illustrator CS6 (which is therefore a later version), I re-open solidworks and try again with my PDF plan. 

Same error message. So, I open my PDF plan via adobe illustrator, I export it in DWG and also in DXF to make sure. I open my files on solidworks, I convert it into a solidworks entity and there, impeccable, the file opens. 

I launch my inspection plan, I validate all the required fields, I launch the inspection, and nothing happens. In fact, when I convert my PDF to DXF or DWG, it corrects the vector entities of the document to points or strokes, and solidworks no longer knows the difference between what is text or a dimension (I guess). 

Is there any particular manipulation? 

Am I doing it wrong? 

Are there any parameters to check in the solidworks configuration? 


Hoping I was clear;) 


You also have the Inspection module, so you are mistaken in using it.

Inspection is divided into two entities: The first is the module directly integrated into Solidworks and the second is a standalone (a separate software from Solidworks).

With the first, the integrated module, you can make the inspection sheets for Solidworks drawings.

With the second, the standalone, you make the inspection sheets of your PDF plans.

There you go.


Sorry for the late reply, 

So this means that I can't use the SolidWorks Inspection which is directly integrated into Solidworks to bubble my PDFs? And that because of this, there is no quick way to bubble PDF plans automatically? 


Thank you very much for your feedback 


Have a good day to you 


The bubbling of PDF plans is only done with standalone and it is not at all automatic.

You have to capture the text of the dimensions manually and above all control everything, the capture is not always great (at least on the 2015 version).

Good luck.

Well, back to square one then...  

Thank you very much for your feedback, 

I wish you a great day.