Assembly problem on solidworks

Hi all

When I make an assembly on solidworks in general quite heavy, with a lot of constraints, there are no problems, until I reopen it some time later.

When I make assemblies I record, and I update regularly. If I close my assembly and reopen it, I often have constraints that disappear or constraints that the software does not find. So I often have to redo some of it. I can't understand what's wrong, because I do exactly the same ones and it works until I open it again.

Is it a problem with the software? Or from me? Has this ever happened to anyone?

Thanks in advance 

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Do you make changes to the parts that are assembled before re-opening the assembly?


Can you attach a take-home line-up?


No, I don't make modifications, that's the problem. Look at the image I'm attached, I made just before the assembly of the cylinder and I incorporated it into an assembly. In the assembly now, it is not even there anymore and when I open the cylinder here is the result while there are still the constraints 

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Which version are you on and which SP??? If you are not on SP3 for 2017 and SP5 for 2016 and earlier. It would be strongly advised to update yourself...

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Hello, I too at the beginning had problems when I opened large assemblies on my laptop. This was because of the assemblies that were becoming lighter (A blue feather symbol on the pieces of the tree of creation). But when I'm on my HP workstation, I make sure that my assembly doesn't become "light", and everything works. (Options -> System Options >Assemblies ->Opening Complex Assemblies -> 1500 for Complex Assembly)




These tutorials can help you with complex assemblies:




In this case, go to the Solidworks options, in the assembly tab.


Change the number next to "use complex assembly mode to improve performance when..." "


Put more than the number of parts in your assemblies or uncheck the box.


Edit: I hadn't seen Gauthik's post.... sorry =)