Assembly Problem



I have a problem that bothers me a lot:(

I need to send 3D files in .dwg format to my client. To do this, I use the Draftsight method (Convert to ACIS and then to .dwg using Draftsight). Usually, my operation works very well. Unfortunately, I wanted to try to go faster by grouping several sub-assemblies together. At this point, an error message occurs informing me of an error when opening my file, I validate and I notice that the assemblies have grouped together but they no longer find their path, they become grayed out in my tree. I tried to decompose my subassembly, impossible because it can't find my files anymore...

When closing and reopening my assembly, the error message "Unable to load the file, contact technical support for more information" appears as many times as there are unloaded /deleted components in my assembly...

I tried to recharge it, impossible...

Also, in my tree, SW tells me that these are copies of the original documents when I don't want to make copies of them, I just want to group them together.

(I'm working with SW2014 Standard in Complex Assembly mode.)


Does anyone have a solution to quickly find the missing parts of my assembly with their constraints??


Thank you in advance.


Attached: a screenshot of the error message + of my tree


Oh yes, and when I search on the computer for one of the subassemblies that is bugging and that I created, it takes me out of paths that are completely off-topic. (I save all my files under Z:\Deal\Year 2014\.....\.....\ and there, it finds me the assembly under C:\ User \ Myname \ AppData \ Local... I don't understand anything anymore...)


CF Screenshot.




I fear the worst for your assemblies... Without wanting to scare you, I see that you work with virtual assemblies, and that... it can cause very big problems with certain manipulations...


For the moment I don't remember which one but I have a vague memory of virtual assemblies that are unrecoverable following stories of recordings.


If you can get back to an earlier version, do so right away.


Yes, this case doesn't smell good...

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I find this system of virtual components extremely dangerous. Of course, it simplifies manipulations, but the other side of the coin is really unhealthy.

I know that virtual assemblies make a lot of bugs but the problem is that I never wanted to transform my basic assembly into a virtual assembly... These assemblies that have disappeared were saved in my computer yesterday and today, they have disappeared...

The files you find in C:\User\MyName \AppData\Local... are certainly the ones from the automatic backup. See capture to check the path.

I don't think they're virtual assemblies. Otherwise there will be no existing file.

Personally, I can only see two solutions:

  1. Check in the automatic watch folder and see if a backup of the files is available.
  2. I hope that you will make backups of your drawing files and in this case you will be able to find your files.


Good luck...

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The shot of copying, I've already seen.

This is when you move a virtual component or assembly to another assembly.

Since it only exists inside the file, SW makes a copy of it in the new assembly.


This is what explains the location of the file.


Can't you replace the copy with the original assembly?

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Well yes but the problem is that I never wanted these virtual components, yesterday these assemblies were saved in my computer, today, nothing... However, I didn't see any messages telling me that my assemblies were going to be crushed...

yes like my colleagues not good sign this story

may restore the system to the previous date or time before this bug occurred

by making a copy of the HDD beforehand

that's when he goes to take a KF or other and think well

@+ ;-)

you no longer have any trace of your original assemblies on your PC?


One idea that comes to me is that SW would have lost the files while you were working on them.

So he turned them into virtual.


What is your way of working?

- files on network or locally?

- PDM or not?

- Who has access to the files?

@rmorel, what has disappeared must be a virtual assembly because its name is in square brackets [ ]

@ Benoit

that would mean that ALL of his assemblies are virtual!


I'm leaning more and more towards a network connection problem:(



Yes, I think that all ASMs are virtual. Some people work like that... to the point of tragedy!


@Joss. G you confirmed us?

Sorry for the duplicate, little network pb :3


@pascal, I managed to find only one of my blends in its original place and to reintegrate it, the others really disappeared... I still have all the parts that make them up but the assembly itself has completely disappeared...

For my way of working, I only work in a network, nothing locally, I don't have room to store locally. Everyone has access to the files but I'm the only one who has Solidworks on my PC. I checked with colleagues, no one touched my files. 


@rmorel, The files do indeed look like they are automatic backups but I can't open them either, the same error message appears when I try to restore them...


@gt22, the system restore is very complicated, I asked my network manager and he tells me that if tomorrow I haven't managed to move forward, he can try but if not, he doesn't have time today, he summons me to try to find another solution... I feel like I'm going to follow the idea of the coffee in order to stop calming down a little ;)  (it's a week's work that goes up in smoke now...)


I'll let you know if I manage to get something out of the depths of my pc.


Feel free to give me any other leads ;)

He will rather disprove.

If you look at the 2nd screenshot, one of its assemblies is saved on Z:


So he didn't work in "full virtual"

Excuse me but I'll repeat myself.

Don't you have backups on your server?

If this is the case, it is very dangerous...

At this time it's a great Ricard and that's what you need in view of your problem!


@Pascal, its file on Z: is a . SAT, not SW (where I don't look in the same place as you, the hunger is there I don't have all my active mind anymore...)


@Tomalam, I arrive, not too much water... :-D

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To my great misfortune... I confirm... I don't know much about the problems related to virtual assemblies but after checking, indeed, all my assemblies are virtual... I don't know why... Basically, they are not. I didn't know that forming a sub-assembly transformed an assembly into a virtual assembly... I don't really understand what's going on because I still have my assemblies saved next to it but in my main assembly, they are indicated as virtual... I re-registered all the assemblies in "non-virtual" to avoid another bug.


@pascal, the second screenshot shows one of my assemblies under the path Z:\ but it's an extension. SAT that I use to transfer my files to the client. (it's while making this extension that I noticed that some parts have disappeared)


@rmorel, yes, I have backups on the server but I don't understand how dangerous it is?


EDIT: Oh yes, how do I prevent my assemblies from being recorded virtually?? Because I never wanted such a thing!

REEDIT: And for the ricard I proposed to my boss at the same time as I told him that I lost a week of work, strangely, he didn't want to?? :(

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