"Framing" problem in a drawing

More clearly by looking at the attached jpeg...

It happens like on this attached file with a detail view but also on cropping and it quickly becomes tiring when you have several views ...

Is there a way to reduce this view window (the one in blue)? which is delimited I don't know because of what on this detail view.

Thank you in advance.


by hanging  on the frame and reducing it doesn't work?


A CTRL Q doesn't change anything? And if closing and reopening doesn't work, I don't think there's a solution.

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Hello, I am of the same opinion as @PL because we also had this subsi and I think that... we still have it. @Fab Camp, you have a lot of questions today but would you have any that we can answer please? Laughing out loud


Have a nice day

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Lol G.M:)

You want some, here I am, I'm going to post for that too lol but just for you I'm putting it here too:)

Can someone tell me why my sketch 34 for example is on top of my extrusion "remove material extru 4" when I open my part alone when when I am in an assembly everything is normal?



version in the assembly


Friday, here is solidworks bug day.. ^^Laughing out loud? Oo

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It's April 1st that wants that in my opinion!!


The joys of Friday inforamtics in addition is April 1st. It doesn't help anything at all....

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Lol at least not on my part no, it's true the bugs I have ...

Wow then... You far exceed my skills in Solidworks... Good luck (Maybe a formatting and reinstalling is necessary!? LOL)

In any case, if you have the answers, they will also be useful to me!! :)

maybe you created your part (separator sheet) in the assembly

and that you also recorded this piece later  

so it is dependent on the one configured in the assembly


@+ ;-)

@gt22: Ouch your few sentences make my head hurt!! For a Friday it's steep I think!

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so now it's easy: you must have activated the "flat view of the tree" option by inadvertence cf PJ


@Fab: this is the flat display of the tree that I indicated to you in the other question:

Right-click the FeatureManager Design Tree and click View Tree > Show Flat Tree View.



Yes!! :) Thank you it's the tree and yes it's following your question .PL I tried everything Mdr...

I'm not against you fixing my bugs .PL but not creating others lol...

Thank you:)


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Indeed, we are on a flat display. Well done@PL

And for my original problem, no one sees?


I've already experienced this kind of problem but not on a detail view on other types of views.

It was a hidden or deleted 2D element (axis, point, etc.) so it was not visible in the view that exploded the frame of the view, so you just have to make the element in question appear and destroy it.

But not sure that's it...


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A lead,

Check if you don't have a sketch that is visible in the part or assembly

it must be hidden in the room