K-factor problem with the transition bend tool on solidworks

Good evening


I'm having a problem when I use the -factor with the transition bend tool. Namely, I was taught to use k-factor set to 0.5 when you want to develop a ferrule, a cone trunk... I'm trying to develop connoids (a kind of oblique cone trunk). When I model it with the transiotion fold tool and the k-factor set to 0.5, it develops the part as if I were developing it outdoors without taking into account my k-factor parameter 0.5. So I changed the k-factor to see if my length expand change as well. When I do this nothing happens, that is to say that my developed length in the unfolded state does not change even when I vary my k-factor. Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem? How to have the right develop (so with a neutral fiber).  Thank you in advance, cordially Maxime

Hello Maxine,

I'll put you a small file with the answer. Check if the sheet metal boxes 1 are checked and if so, uncheck them.

Regards Manu and if not put your coin in the answer

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The K factor is not always at 0.5. It depends on  the thickness of the sheet, the vee and bending radius, see the attached word file.

May the force be with you.



I also use the same word document from OBI WAN, and I'm happy with it.

Good luck and don't turn to the dark side.

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It also depends on the size of your part, for a small room with a large radius, the developed will not change much between a k factor of 0.5 or 1.

If not, it is possible to get a glimpse of the room?

Thank you very much obi wan for this file, I thought that when working in small thickness, i.e. under 15mm we always set the k-factor to 0.5...

But that doesn't answer my question of why when I change the k-factor with the transition fold, nothing happens.
