Configuration management problem on smarteam

Hi all


I use Solidworks 2014 and smarteam. I manage my screws via part configurations (about 100 configs) for an H screw.

My problem is that when I put this part in the safe, Smarteam checks all the configs every time which takes a lot of time when I don't need it because I never make any changes to this file.


My question is as follows:

How can I deactivate the verification of part configurations on Smarteam each time I enter and leave the trunk?

Thanks in advance,


Have you set up a blocking bar on your part? it could help I think

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My problem is not on the function tree because in my case, these functions are very simple and do not cause any specific cumbersomeness. The problem is with the number of configurations that the system has fun checking.

And by making the play read-only?

Why do you have 100 jams?

What are they for?

The configs must be the different lengths and diameters possible. On the other hand I agree that the block bar could solve the problem!?

edit: or reading alone also seems to me to be a good choice! at least not everyone scratches it.


Your question is more like "how to manage library files" it seems,

I don't know "smarteam", but it seems that it opens the files in writing, and does rebuilds for each config... as you say...


The "blocking bar" solution is tricky to implement, because this setting is independent on each pc.

(Generally it is used on real heavy elements in 3D calculation: propeller, numerous repetition, etc...)



Yes, the "read-only" solution seems to be the most appropriate.

Don't forget on each pc to check:

System option / External ref / "Do not save read-only files"


Edit: And when you want to work on a file already open in SW,

you remove the "drive only" windows, and you can use "File / Reload" in SolidWorks, it's there ^for that.

pdeoliveira the block bar will save you a lot of time because it won't try to recalculate your model every time you change the configuration

olivier42 The blocking bar is not related to each pc but only to the part :)


See this tutorial on the blocking bar

Blocking bar allows functions to be frozen 

so a super faster visual reconstruction

since no calculation other than the external surface of the design

to use as much as possible on each part finished or not

@+ ;-)

no Mad,

The lock bar is adjusted on each part ok, but its operation is independent on each pc, because it is linked to the "system setting",

so we can't force everyone to use it.

On the other hand, the "read-only" solution is much easier to implement, and allows it to be applied to all users of the BE.

olivier42 Do the test of putting the blocking bar at the end of your creation tree on a saved part and close the part, modify your settings to disable the adjustment bar and reopen your part, you will see that the adjustment bar is in place at the end of your creation tree

As much as for me, I didn't know this behavior,

nevertheless using "locking bar" for a simple screw is weird,

moreover when saving the file it will calculate all the configs,

and when we make parts with a simple config we generally don't calculate them,

to lighten the file size.

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