Mesh problem in a structure (failed)


I have a structure with different platforms with service pressures, so far it's ok, to get closer to the reality of load descents I thought of going through a representation of a virtual floor that would allow me to be more relevant or not........ and now I find myself blocked by the connections in my beams and I don't know how to access the recommended parameters to evolve, if anyone has been touched by this message, please guide me in the input to be made and its location.

Have a nice day and thank you for the help provided.





You use the beam mode, but for the calculation, there is a question of width/length ratio or proximity to other elements. SW's message is very clear on this point.

So two solutions:

- you change the length of this small beam if possible (also check the connections that can generate the same type of message)

-You pass the beam or some beams (or all the beams) into volume and you will no longer have the problem.

From my point of view, the beam mode should not be used for simple mechanically welded frames as it seems to be the case. The beam calculation mode is often misunderstood because it uses  quite different calculation methods (and more restrictive, especially in the case of wing machining) from the volume mode.

The only case where mechanically welded is justified is when we do mechanical welding (without machining) of large size and where long lengths are used because the beam mode considerably reduces the time of meshing and execution of the simulation.

If there is machining of certain parts or too short a length, the mixed beam and volume mode can be used. You could do mixed by spending only the shortest parts in volume.

Kind regards



I'm going to follow the advice and switch to volume mode.

Kind regards.