Mesh Problem - Solidwork simulation


I already posted a message for a similar problem last summer about a gateway. However, for the beginnings of getting started with SW simulation with an assembly I was a little too ambitious. So I greatly simplified my model and forgot about soldering.

I am a student. I take courses on finite elements and SW at school unfortunately we are taught to use the simulation tool only on mono blocked parts and we are not explained at all the different SW meshes, or to really understand the software, we are taught finite elements on ACCORD.  AND when we do simulations in SW, everything always goes well in practical work because we have very simple parts. 

In short, I made a chassis from aluminum profile recovered on Tracepart. I want to apply a uniform load to the chassis first. I scrupulously followed all the instructions I had already been given last summer. 

- I started by turning all my pieces into volume.

- I checked for interference

-  I removed the holes.

- I applied my boundary conditions, put my forces (gravity + pressure of 2000 N/m²)

My mesh is partially done but SW does not mesh some beams. So I wondered if it was because I had imported my beams but I did a small bending study on a beam that worked very well.  Can you help me and above all I would like to understand what I am doing wrong ?  

I tried to turn back to my teacher hoping that seeing that I was going further in his module, he would take the time to help me but nothing I have no answer from him.


I don't have too much time to explain the different meshes and their applications, but know that when a system is symmetrical you can do your calculation on half. By doing this you will not considerably lighten your calculation.

For example on your assembly I cut in 2 following plan 2, it's really an assembly function for the removal of extruded material. Then in the imposed displacements you take the symmetry function. BE CAREFUL you have to select all the faces you have cut, do not trust the preview which from the first selection of a face shows a symmetry of the whole. 

I also advise you to take a mesh based on curvature. 

By doing this I was able to make the mesh, you pass a calculation with the default quality, depending on the results you refine and you put mesh control. 

I was able to mesh and run the calculation on my laptop by doing this.

Good luck

Kind regards



Thank you very much for your help indeed I was able to carry out my study, just to be sure to have understood the symmetry we block via a fixed geometry and we select all the cut faces as you told me. I was  wondering if there was a tool under SW, which allows you to locally point to the constraint and give the value?


Kind regards

For the use of the symmetry function in a static study I advise you to look at the SW help, it will be easier:

But basically and for your study it should look like this: 

Be careful, you have to divide the effort by 2 because SW doesn't ask himself the question if you are working on a symmetry or not. 

I don't know the application of the chassis you modeled but I also draw your attention to the use of the "fixed" function, it's very important to understand how it works. When you use this function, the nodes of the selected meshes no longer have any degree of freedom, they are completely immobile in space. If in reality this is not the case, the constraints and travel will not be the same.

In a simulation study, the correct application of imposed travel is essential for the results to be as close as possible to reality. 

To know a stress value at a specific point you can use the probe tool in the drawing tools.



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Great thank you for these explanations.

Kind regards