Modeling problem



Since yesterday I have to create a piece but I can't get a good rendering. Here is the kind of piece I have to draw:


I don't know how to proceed to create it if anyone can have an idea the useful odds are above. Given the small offset I thought of making two folds instead of one but impossible to model easily, even with difficulty I can't get a good result if you have a function or a better design idea.


Kind regards.




I think we need to use the transition folds. There are a lot of tutorials on this subject.

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Or you can try with the twist tool... If only for a performance.

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I'm on solidworks 2017 sp5, can't find the torsion tool.


For the transition folds I don't master at all and I haven't found any interesting tutorials, otherwise you have to be a myCADservices customer. From what I've seen you have to use splines and it's also something I don't master at all, it seems a bit "abstract" to me

Oops sorry it's the bending tool and in it there is the twist option...

Hi @ mandrake

Is it okay with you

It's up to you to create your neutral fiber of your room

To do this, create your lines on an offset plane

and convert your 2 lines via a 3D sketch and create a line that joins these 2 lines, set an angle that suits 

After creating the profile

and sweep by specifying a 90° twist

Here with longer lines

but if you want your rights to remain on the same plane

The bayonet must be minimized

and create extrusions for straight parts

With the torsion tool you don't do anything good for this kind of part

Here is the file where the scan twist is almost minimal

@+ ;-)




Perfect, I just put the right of the 3D sketch in the construction line its decreases the tendril a little. Thank you you had to think about it with the twist swipe, I still have so much to learn "sigh".



On the other hand, it is impossible to have a sheet metal function or a unfolder with this twist? I feel that the workshop will love me when I give them this piece...


Thank you GT22 a+

Hello Mandrake

I arrive a little after the fight. :-)

There is one function that it seems that no one uses is the bending function on a part.

The advantage is that you start with the flat sheet metal part (or a flat metal, a square tube, etc... and you twist it like the HQs of the workshop will do. In addition it will prevent you from skimming the walls when you cross the workshop :-:-) This allows you to know the flow rate in part since your piece will shrink slightly in length during twisting. You can also vary the length of the tendril just like in real life.

See you

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Thank you for your participation zozo.


I just spent 20-30 min trying the "flex" function, my biggest problem is the placement of each shot. It doesn't take my sketch points as a reference but shifts my planes according to the position of the trihedron of the bending function, it's a bit of a headache. Despite this headache, still not the possibility of having a

unfold ;)


For the time being, I'm going to keep the gt22 solution and buy this part from a competitor, it will be simpler and without any headaches in the workshop 8)


Thank you for your help, I'm posting my final part for the sake of form and to prove that I didn't just use the gt22 one, I like to work too!

Just a small improvement I replaced the first three sketches with a 3D sketch and point/point dimensioning to be able to configure my dimensions (dimensioning on X / Y / Z, TAB key) 


Sincerely, Mandrake.



with the bending tool

it doesn't work well 

The deformation of the curves is too pronounced for my taste 

I wrote texts and no conclusive result for me

The only walkthrough is a twisted sweep


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Hello Mandragore (and gt22)

you say

[[ I just spent 20-30 min trying the "flex" function, my biggest problem is the placement of each shot. ]]

The planes must be fixed by a point on a sketch, these sketches you put them on planes to be able to control the curvature (with the trihedron).

The torsion function must be used within the bending tool

Look at my tutorial that I will update soon .

Kind regards


even when optimizing the position of the planes

since the profile of the neutral fiber is a bayonet 

The torsion function does not work as it should

Which of + is via the twist the outer fiber comes out outside the alignment Of the 2 lines

Try it out and watch

I have made X attempts and it is not conclusive

a possibility will be to twist the straight part flat by having calculated the developed length of the bayonet 

and then do the 2 flexions

or use the deform via a new sketch of the neutral fiber

But a Max of work for a result in my humble opinion deplorable 

it's only no opinion 

If you know how to prove me wrong, I'm all ears

and I want to see the result ;-)



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I quickly made a piece  with the torsion function.

This function is not a gimmick because it allows you to have a room as in reality.
You will notice that I often say "like in real life" because the experience of the workshop and the analysis of ruin breakage you learn a lot about the material and its reactions to the stresses.

You have to be wary of CAD even if you use the gt22 friend rating method.

Indeed, it depends on how the part is made in the workshop, for example with two fixed jaws in the clamp, because in this case there is no slippage of one of the ends in the clamp. On the other hand, commonly used by the locksmith, it is a part fixed in a vice and the other in a light that rotates in rotation The distance between the vice and the light is fixed but the part can slide in the axial direction in the light. This second solution tires the material less during torsion since the material is accompanied, and the thickness is more constant along the profile. With the NCs, it's something else again.

In conclusion, as long as what he chose suits Mandragore then Yay: -)

PS: a little picture to show what can be achieved with the well-used bending function :-) :-).



Changed your answer 

My answer to your answer no longer finds its place as it should

Don't forget also that there is torsion + a bayonet 

so your image does not correspond to the requested part 



@gt22 he didn't change his answer but he must have started writing before your message and so it appears before, just a tendentious timestamp of Lynkoa;)


With the torsion function, what case are you in zozo? Two bite fixed or fixed bite + light? 

In my opinion this function is fairer when you stay linear but with my bayonet it's more complicated, cf gt22's remark.


To come back to your first answer, I had put my plans on the points of my sketch, just straight/spline transition points on the same sketch that's maybe where the problem comes from. But the second plane never had the right position despite the selection of the point, always shift.


I just tried the torsion function again... I give up, I'll watch your tutorial later.

@Mandragore I am in the case of two fixed bits.

@gt22 the mandrake piece is quite difficult to make in the workshop, especially depending on whether it is done hot or cold and on the number of steps to achieve the result with the staggered axes.

I agree with you for my piece that I made simple but it was to show the quality of the curvature.

If I have time, I will reconstruct the different stages of the fab. As the young people say, just for fun and incidentally for the machining range.