Part Family Change Problem


until now I used the part family function without problem but since today when I edit the part family I can enter values but as soon as I want to come out, SW blocks I can't do anything except Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

I noticed this morning that a part had lost the part family function, i.e., I still had the old configurations but I couldn't edit it anymore because it had disappeared.

I did a test with a new part and a part family insert but I get the same result.

FYI, these are SW2019 and Office 2016


Wouldn't there have been an update to Solidworks or Office?


Hello Sylk, 

For solidworks not to my knowledge and for excel difficult to say in addition I just noticed that excel is in automatic download and installation and I am not a fan of automatic installation.

In the case of an update, would there be a procedure for it to work again?

You would have to check and note the version of the programs, try to restore with the internet connection disabled so that you can then open Excel and disable automatic updates, and check if the version numbers have changed. Then try the part family change again.


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Good evening


Can you leave a picture to better understand the problem? An error message

Have you tried to edit in an independent excel window from solidworks?

As Sylk specified, an office update can be a problem. 


FYI for the large part families,  I create  via excel in solidworks and I delete the family table. The  configurations  are kept in the back.


The file is lighter and above all does not depend on office updates.

When I want to update the family, it is possible via a model family table to quickly recreate it.











Also pay attention to the version of the Office Suite, we had encountered this kind of problems under the 64-bit Office version.

a downgrade under Office in 32 bits  + solidworks installation repair solved our problems (for the most part).

Note that it is possible to limit office updates to "Version-1" (monthly/quarterly, etc.), check with your IT department.

Kind regards.

Thank you all for your answers

I did a system restore to compensate for a possible excel update. It worked

I just had to reinstall chrome because it doesn't start anymore.

Everything works again

Thanks for everything

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Hello Ccailleaux

This is good news.

Please remember to mark the matter as resolved.

Good luck.

At the time for me, I should have specified "[...] mark the subject as resolved by checking the message that contains the solution to the problem". Thank you.

Kind regards.