Part Numbering Problem in Assembly Drawing

Hi all

Despite the few topics on this forum related to the problems of bubbles and nomenclatures, I did not find the answer to my question. Let me explain, I have a plan of a fairly large assembly (about 100 parts), made up of both simple parts and assemblies. In the drawing of this assembly, the nomenclature gives identical article numbers for different parts!

I can't seem to solve this problem, I checked that all my views were attached to the nomenclature1 but it doesn't solve anything. Eventually a possible solution is to switch to a first-level nomenclature only but I lose too much information. I am currently using a tabbed list with detailed numbering.

My version of Solidworks is 2012 SP5.0

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hello, do you use parts with configurations because in this case  you have to be careful not to check the option to group all the configurations of the same part with the same article  number.

May the force be with you.



Unfortunately, your advice didn't work in my case. I always have a bubble of the same number that points to 2 totally different pieces...

I don't know what to try anymore...



Are his identity bubbles on the same view or on different views


May the force be with you.

These identical bubbles are on different views, and moreover on two different sheets.

Thank you for your interest in solving my problem.


So you're going to go to each view, right-click and then property. At the bottom of the page you have  " link the text of the balloon to the specified table" tick the box is in the drop-down menu indicates the name of your nomenclature.

May the force be with you.


Hello OBI WAN,

I had checked that all the views were indeed attached to the nomenclature table 1 and this is indeed the case.

So not better despite your wise advice...

Have a good weekend.