Problem with the weight of drawings in PDF format


Currently we save all our drawings in PDF for data transfer, however on some I would need to add a color isometric view, to make a sheet of paint.

The problem is that the drawing goes from 1 to 24 megabytes on the PDF format

Is there a way to compress or degrade the quality of the color view to limit the weight of the PDF in output?

After several tests, it turns out that it is indeed the fact of putting color on the view that makes the file size explode.


Thank you


After testing 3 Pdfs, one without ISO view (75kB), one with a hidden line ISO view (93Kb), one with color ISo view (95Kb)

So nothing exceptional for a color view, no coef x 24 for the file size. (SW2020)

Does your file contain textures or something else that could significantly add to the weight of your MEP?

If possible (not confidential) share your file or create a file for testing with the problem and share it.


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There are options in the system options / Export / pdf

In particular the DPI shaded geometry/roughing which is surely set at 600 in your case

Embedding fonts can also increase the file size if you have a lot of 'exotic' fonts on the MEP




Sorry for the delay, I tested indeed I was at 600 pp and going to 200 pp solved the problem. I go from 26 megas to 7 megas, so it's more reasonable.

Thank you.

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