Sheet metal smoothing quality problem

Good evening everyone,

I drew today a hopper ( Round / square base )520x200 ht 150  Ø150 ) with the transition folds function on solidworks, no souçis it unfolds!

The only problem is that the appearance of the part is not realistic at all, you can see curved faces on the

sides of the hopper while all bend lines are supposed to be straight lines!!!!! I have to have my press cut out

in laser but I have doubts about the accuracy of this one! What do you think?

Thanks in advance!



I often have this problem with transition folds, there are not too many solutions to give a better appearance to the smoothing but the developed ones are accurate there is no problem!  A little trick to mitigate this, is to draw a polygon with lots of sides (40 max I think) instead of the basic circle (don't forget to put radii between the segments). Do the same with half as many sides on the polygons in the corners of the square base sketch). By doing this you simulate almost all folding generators!!!


hi @ Elodie 22

try not to make a circle but but straight lines for this circle

the more lines you have, the cleaner you will be, at least the room ;-)

you will have bending lines closer to the manufacturing truth (sheet metal machine tool)


@+ ;-)


Let's meet @gt22!!

Attached is an example!


It's normal @ David

to join since it is the right solution

post screenshots on tablet no SW 


 @+ ;-)


An additional question to that of élodie, can we put a fold on the 4 edges of the square base! I can't do it without cheating by adding material to my DXF for the laser manufacturer!!!


You can't maybe you chamfer in an arc

laying straight lines instead and it should work


@+ ;-)

Which version of SolidWorks are you in? Because in the 2014 version it is possible to use the "broken" option instead of "formed" directly in the transition folds function

The shapely appearance may be an illusion if you have perspective activated

I'm on sw13! I just tried the method of @david be3 and @gt22 and it's nikel!! You can even see the folding lines !!! Thanks again!