Problem with the completion of leave


I'm looking to make a drawing of a plastic box whose drawing is in PJ.

I have made ribs allowing the boxes to fit together at a certain height and I would like to make leaves for these ribs.

They were made at the 4 corners by symmetry of the first one and this is perhaps what is the problem.

Indeed, you will see that some holidays are badly or not done at all and I can't understand why.

It looks like some ribs may not be completely "glued" to the box.

Can you tell me why and how it should have been done?


Hello @AlainBo26 

That's because the Cute extrude5 function generates a defect for you. SW can only make a radius of 1mm or more on a surface of 0.1mm high

In fact it's your sketch40 that but the mess because it's not joined with the "interlocking rib" ridge higher up in the creation tree

Kind regards


Hello @Julien_E,

There is a problem from the 2nd function of the "box chamfer" file, for an obscure reason the chamfers are not at 45° in relation to the plane of the part.

I think your problems stem from there.

For the moment I can't understand why the 45° chamfers are not.

I understood, there is some skin!
The problem is solved by changing the chamfer from 9mm x 45° to 9mm x 9mm
after this modification you have to check the relevance of the "Cut-Extrude5, 6 and 7" functions which it seems to me were there to hide the misery


Ok, I see the problems. I will try to correct it.

Thank you 2.



That's how I would have done it. 

first vein in separate volume , without joining. Make all the necessary finishes (fillets, chamfers, etc.) then the two symmetries but solid symmetries (no function). Then combine it all into one volume. At the end the leave at the base of the veins.

It reduces the number of functions a lot. 

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Ok, fine, I didn't know this method but however, the "interlocking extrusion" function seems not to work properly.

I tried, "all bodies", same, the rib is not hollowed out.



 @AlainBo26, I see that you contradict your own methodology, (you select your holidays sometimes with faces, sometimes with lines?!),

I suggest to pass the fillet8 before the fillet7 (cleaner), recreate the other fillets in the same way (and order) after placing the resumption bar,


For the chamfer that @Pierre S reported and if it is not possible to validate with an edge length (not in SW18!), you will have to use a material removal, 


  @AlainBo26 excuse me, Alain. I hadn't seen this hollow function. Just move it after the solids have been combined. Then repeat it symmetrically.

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After doing some tests, all the problems come from the chamfers made at the beginning of construction, because the application of the 45° is done according to one of the two faces to be chamfered, but on the four chamfers of the part not all are done according to the same reference, this combined with the 2° draft of the part, This results in a symmetry problem from the 2nd function of the tree.


Ok, thanks for this information.

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