Curve-driven component repetition problem


I have a problem on a curve-driven repetition, my repetitions don't follow the tangent of the loop (see image)

Anyone have a solution ?


Good evening


The trajectory must be closed, the points must also be on the central plane of the part and make a constraint on each point, it will also certainly be necessary to make a parallelism constraint between the parts and another plane so that the parts do not rotate around the trajectory.


hoping I was clear  enough??

Good evening Thank you for the answer but my centerpiece mark with a blue dot is constrained, two points in constraint on the curve in trajectory stress and also on the face of the thickness of the belt to avoid drifts. I'll try to change my constraints to see.

Just for the record, here's how I'll do it.




Have you tried to modify the options of the curve repeat function, especially at the "Curve method" and "reference point" level?





I did not constrain my rehearsals as on your example  Mathieu Anger, I wanted to use this method to avoid constraining each part (the assembly has about a hundred)

In terms of options, I think I tried all of what was available.

I think I end up making a multi-body piece, it seems to be more efficient  in any case for a static view.


Thank you for your interest

Have a nice day

Your scenario looks a bit like an assembly of chain links and that's how I made my chain assembly.

After if you want to do all the parts, you can, but this will lag at the computation level at the PC level, if it's just to see the movement you can just do 2 3.

Yes indeed I was inspired by a chain assembly. And finally a few pieces will be enough for the animation.