Linear Pattern Problem - SolidWorks

Hi all

Following your advice, I make the insoles via functions. 

My first problem: I made the first sole and I want to do a linear repetition of it in 2 directions. I did an extrusion to have the sole and a removal of material to make the holes. I try to make a linear repatition of it (see image below):


You can see on it that the sole is repeated as well as the holes.

But by validating I get this:

I'm missing 3 holes out of 4 :/ .

Do you have an explanation?

You can find the larger screenshot attached


Hi Aurélien

Why don't you do a body repetition rather than a function repetition?





Go through a body repetition rather than a function repetition.



To begin with, don't bother repeating each function of your tree. When you create your repetition function, select the body corresponding to your sole. It's simpler and no risk of forgetting!

And then, in your case you'd be better off using symmetries or better a repetition driven by a sketch: if your spacing changes, you won't have to touch up the dimensions of your repetition!


Thank you all for your answers.

@Mick and @Frédéric, I can't do a body rehearsal. I did my extrusions in my mechanically welded body as sugered in this question:

@Benoit; When I click on the body of my sole, it doesn't take into account the holes :/. I agree with symmetries or repetition by sketch:)

Ahhhh I just found what you were saying Mick and Frédéric;, I hadn't seen the hidden tab!

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Hop hop hop !!

Are you trying to do a rehearsal at the level of an assembly, and not in your piece!!

Go back to the level of your room, you'll see it works much better to rehearse a body!


Or maybe you're in part editing mode in your assembly?

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@Benoit, I'd like to, but as a welded joint, I have to intervene at the level of the welded body so that my soles are taken into account in my welded elements, right?

[Edit]: So I'm editing parts in the assembly

What you represent can be managed at the room level. What do you think forces you to go through an assembly?

I made an assembly because I am going to add in that of other components except mechanically welded.

So I then created a part in the context of the assembly to be able to create the structure.


Off-topic but it's quite complicated to manage a welded element like a body and not like a part ...

An example is better than ;) speeches, look at how I proceed in general.

Or do you use a skeleton in your assembly?

Managing a mechanically welded structure in parts rather than assembly has big advantages on many points, at least from the point of view of the design office, for methods that are a little less so sometimes...


@Benoit, I did it exactly the same way as you, except when the screenshot I posted my part is in the assembly.

Here is without assembly:


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In short, are you explaining to me that we have agreed since the beginning?


Well that's perfect :). Sorry, it's Monday!


In short, you totally agree :)!

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