Problem of thread representation on symmetrical part


I have a problem with the display of thread representation on a drawing of a symmetrical part, can you help me



I don't have the problem with you via your screen???????????



Me neither...

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It looks like on the one on the right there is a representation of the thread and not on the one on the left.


Personally I would get around the problem with a small note: 4 make x according to the plane and y times symmetrical to the plane.




Yes there on the right part there is a thread representation but on the left one (the symmetry) these representations do not appear.

I thought there was a tweaking to be made, but......

Why not make the nets after the symmetry, there are not many holes.

If it's a symmetrical part: edit the first function, and check "drilling assistant data" and "thread representation", then in setup check with "model import" check only the threads, or sometimes check on the view the quality of the thread representation and try the other choice.

Otherwise check if the thread is not going in the layer "hide show plane" (this can happen, but it's rare).

If it's a symmetry function in the same part: you have to, re-edit the drilling function, re-edit the symmetrical function, then click on the "List of welded parts" folder in the arbe at the top, and press "updated", then go back to the drawing, to see if it works. If nothing, try to change the "piercing representation quality" setting on the view.