Backup problem

Hi all


When I create any kind of assembly, solidworks doesn't save the parts in the right place. When I reopen it later, it can't find the parts I created in the assembly.

In my opinion, you have to change a parameter in solidworks   


I added an image of the property of a  room and I try to open the room and I can't find the directory








From what I see on your image, your parts are virtual parts so stored internally at the assembly but they are in the deleted state. What does it look like if you right-click on one of the rooms and undo the deletion?

Kind regards



I don't see how to undo the deletion when I right click on piece4 ......... as in the image


Your parts are no longer in a state of deletion on this new image but they are still virtual parts, I don't really understand your remark "solidworks doesn't save the parts in the right place" since they are virtual so stored internally at the assembly!

Kind regards

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If you want the components you create in the context to be automatically saved externally and not virtually, then you need to check "Save new components to external files." in the Solidworks options, see HERE for more explanation.

Kind regards


Thanks for the info but one more thing after checking under assembling "Save new components in external files."  I resumed the deletion cancellation by clicking on one of my pieces, here is his message. Maybe my parts since they were not saved at the beginning I lost them?




A big thank you I started my drawing again having checked rescue of external files under assemblies. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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