Problem with overlapping screens when inserting a BOM


I explain myself, in a mep of an assembly when I want to create a nomenclature of this assembly and I select: Table / Nomenclature ,

I find myself with my plan in progress + all the windows of the other software open in transparency below.

Does anyone have a solution to this PB? Is it due to a poorly defined display settings?


Thanks in advance



Have you ever restarted Solidworks? Does this happen with other MEPs?

Yes it happens every mep, and no matter how much I restart SW, it doesn't change anything...

Are the graphics card drivers up to date?

I look at this


Is this the last SolidWorks SP available for this version?

2015 and lower in SP5 and 2016 in SP2.

Do other workstations with the same configuration have the same problem?

If not, you have to try to reset the settings with my tutorial:

I have the 2015 SP5 (x64) version, and yes there are 4 other workstations and none of them have the pb ???

All the posts have made the same updates?


Yes, yes

By resetting the settings as I indicated?

We can go back if necessary afterwards. But at least we are sure if the problem does not come from the configuration of the workstation or not.


Obviously all the workstations are configured in the same way, we just switched to SW2015 SP5 3 weeks ago.

Having found no other solution, I proceed as follows:

In my MEP, I insert a nomenclature (so I find my screen overlay PB), and I reinsert a second nomenclature that I cancel. So the screen becomes normal again...

Not very academic but it works...

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Hello, I've already had this problem! Do you have an Nvidia graphics card? if yes in the installed software there should be "Vvidia view" you have to uninstall it! it's the one that causes the problem (The hotline knows the problem)


After uninstalling, don't forget to restart.

Kind regards