Problem of material removal from bodies


I've been stumbling over a problem for a while. I will try to explain my problem as clearly as possible.

I'd like to do an extrusion on a body. If I mount the resume bar in my shaft up to a certain point, I can merge my bosses, or do some extrusions. And beyond this same step when I put my recovery bar back at the end of my tree, I can no longer make any modification on the body (fusion, extrusion) returning standard error messages: "the model does not cross the body", "the function would give a zero geometry result". (Of course, I did several tests with basic sketches that visually crossed the body.)

I only had this problem after a certain time of not modifying the file. 
I have only one volume body and 24 surface bodies.

Thank you in advance, hoping that this kind of problem had already been experienced.




Which version of SolidWorks are you on?


Can you post your piece for us to take a look at?

I'm working on the 2016 version.


@ac Cobra 427
I cannot post the piece for privacy reasons. :/

But I'm giving you a preview of my tree so you can see the functions used. Note that all the functions for adding material have been merged with each other. Hoping that this enlightens you.



I think that the removal of material that you want to do is not on the volume body because on it there should be no problem. I think you should convert your surface bodies to volume and then it will work.


Alright, thank you. I'll try and keep you posted.

Look when you do your extrusion you have an option (select the bodies) maybe visually the function crosses the body but as you don't have one selected it tells you that this function would lead to nothing you either have to select the bodies or you want the function to extrude matter or else you can make it simpler you choose outright (all the bodies).

I already had this problem with some parts after a while it deselects all the bodies so by doing a little fast sometimes this error happens 

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Hello, I think you should first do as said @accobra then what you @gunter68700 says. Both combined you should have your expected result. Cdt


Thank you for all your answers. As for the surface->volume transformation, the explanations given by solidworks are not very clear.

As for the selection of the body when setting up the function, the selection is not always offered and when I select the (only) existing density field, I have either: the error message mentioning a geometry error or solidworks freezes and does not execute the function without an error message.

The last volume I created and on which I am trying to work was obtained thanks to an addition of material up to a limiting surface obtained by shifting a stitched surface.

I just had an idea, I don't know if this will solve your problem but we can always try. First of all, try to work on another plane, another side of this piece and see if it still tells you about this problem?

If he doesn't want to know anything personally I will save the file in STEP and then I will reopen it on solidworks without recognizing the functions etc ... This way you will have imported bodies and you could maybe try to do your extrusion on it but for it you have to be ready to lose your creation tree. to see ...

So I tried this to locate the problem, to know where I could or could not perform functions.

But I managed to locate the problem by testing an extrusion after each step in the tree and I was able to isolate a fillet that screwed everything up. The leave is on a rib, so I removed it and since then I have been able to work on the whole body without any problem.

Thank you for all your answers! :)

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