Envelope problem on drawings



I have a problem with assembly drawings, some components appear in line lines.

After searching I found that it is the envelopes used in the assemblies that cause this problem, despite the fact that they are in a hidden state in the assembly. The only way found would be to switch them to a deleted eta but it "breaks" my assembly.

Is there a configuration to be made so that in the drawing they are always invisible? Maybe create a continuous line layer that will retrieve all the envelopes?

My assembly is relatively heavy and advanced, I can't go back on my envelope-based architecture (weight and bill of materials management), I know that a bug is apparently open at solidworks, but I have to find a solution to get around this problem.

If anyone has found a solution to this, thank you in advance.

Changing envelopes to normal components

You can change envelope components to normal components.

To modify an envelope in a normal component:

  1. Right-click an envelope in the graphics area, and then click Component menu_Component_Properties.gifProperties.
  2. In the lower-right corner of the dialog box, turn off the Envelope option .

    The Exclude from BOM option is also disabled.

  3.  Click OK.

    The component is no longer an envelope. In the FeatureManager design tree, FM_envelope_part.png is replaced with FM_part.gif to indicate that the component is a normal component of the assembly. In the graphics area, the component no longer has the transparent blue color.



Thank you but this is not possible.


I don't want the components to have a weight, and moreover too risky to forget the "exclude from the nomenclature" and to have a duplicate.

Is your assembly that heavy?



It seems to me that in the properties of the view in the drawing, you can uncheck the "show envelope" box.


Thank you Frederic.

In fact I didn't find not displaying the envelopes in the plan. (on the other hand you can force them to display)


On the other hand I found how to modify the type of lines and change them to solid rather than dotted, so the dotted line is no longer a priority and it works. It's in the document options.


A gt22

It's a machine weight problem. a 400kg envelope if I put 10 times in the assembly it's 4T too much if I don't go through the envelope.

Quick question about envelopes in drawings, can they be attached to a layer with the type of line and line color taken into account?

I tried, but the colors and line types don't follow. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a display bug.