Line Move Problem


For the past few days, I've had a problem when I move a line, the dots between the different lines break.

Here's what happens when I click on a line and move it:

(I would like to get the standard mode, i.e. when I move a line the lines attached stays together..)


I guess this is an option that I changed by mistake.

Do you have an idea?


Thank you.

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To better understand your situation. When you place yourself on a plan to make a sketch. Do you sketch by rectangle to vertex?

Check your sketch settings.

I'll show you my sketch settings.

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Look at the See in Option Tool and compare See with My Options

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Thank you for your answers.


>To better understand your situation. When you place yourself on a plan to make a sketch. Do you sketch by rectangle to vertex?

Whether it's a rectangle, a polygon, lines that I connect manually, it's the same.


>I'll show you my sketch settings.

> look in Option Tool and compare View with My Options


I have already compared these settings with those of my colleague, so I don't know if the problem can come from elsewhere.



I compared it with your own settings, the result is identical.

Right-click on the line

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This option is not checked, but even if I turn it on and off, the result is similar...


(If it's this function, I have the impression that it would always be checked. Installation problem? General program option '?)

I noticed that even though all the lines/points are fixed, I can move them as I want anywhere...

Have you made a backup of your settings??? If so, you can do a restoration.

No, but in my company we have a document during the installations to put all the options back. So if I really will put them back.


Do you know if it's possible to export the settings? In order to be able to possibly take over my colleague's work.

Thank you


Check that in the tool/sketch settings you have not checked " detached the segment by dragging "

May the force be with you.

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No it's not checked, but I saw that "Move without resolution" was checked and that was the problem!!


I really don't know how this option was checked.


Thank you!