Dwg export problem


As usual, I send my SW parts to my customers in DWG format.
To do this, I save my assemblies and parts in .sat (ACIS), and I open them in Draftsight and then save them in .dwg.
Until then, I had never had any problems proceeding in this way... Until today.

One of my parts is non-transferable, I manage to open it in Draftsight, save it in .dwg but impossible to open it with Autocad or Revit afterwards...
Autocad tells me that the file has an error and that I have to try to repair my file. So, like a good padawan, I follow to the letter what my error message tells me and during the analysis, it deletes my coin... Here is a copy of the Autocad analysis on my part:


Retrieving the drawing.
Drawing Recovery Log.

Validating objects in the identifier table.
106    valid items 0      invalid items
Object validation completed.

    Database retrieved from the drawing.


Reading handle E2 object type AcDbBody
          Error 151 (eOutOfRange)                       Object discarded

Header Control

Table Control

Control of 1st Pass Entities

Step 1 100     Controlled Objects
2nd Pass Feature Control

Step 2 100     Controlled Objects
Block Control

        1 controlled blocks


AcDsRecords Control

Total number of errors found 0, fixed 0

1 Deleted Items

Rebuild the model.


This  DWG file was saved in an application that was not developed by Autodesk or does not have an Autodesk license. Autodesk cannot guarantee the compatibility of the application or the integrity of this file.



I admit I don't really understand... It works with everything except this piece, which is really not complicated... The recording version of this song is the same as for all the others, which work very well...

Does anyone have a solution???

Why do you use a .sat to open on Draftsight?


With Solidworks, you can save directly in the .DWG format.

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Otherwise, make a copy of this piece, to take away or not and see if it does the same thing again.

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I don't go through Save as > Dwg for several reasons:

-You can't record in 3D, you can only record views of your room.
-You can't choose your origin. Apart from that, my origin is not the origin of my piece but a coordinate system that I placed myself.
-The software crashes every other time when I try to record in .dwg, I don't know why but it doesn't seem to like it...
-And the other time the recording works, in 80% of cases, I lose a piece of entity...

The only cases where I record in .dwg are in drawings.

@Bart SolidWorks doesn't do 3D DWG, DraftSight does and I guess that's what @Joss.G wants to do




Wouldn't this part be in surface?

Is it correct at the SolidWorks level?

Is it a recovery (step or other)?


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I had misunderstood the question.


I was in 2D, so much for me...^^


@Coyote, it is a part composed only of volume functions and mechanically welded elements, zero surface. It's not an import, I created this piece entirely from start to finish. It has no bugs, I had it analyzed by Solidworks, no errors... No edges or defective faces...

It's hard to understand!

The only error I see in the log is this one:


Reading handle E2 object type AcDbBody
          Error 151 (eOutOfRange)                       Object discarded


Out of Reach   Discarded object.


I don't really understand but if it helps....^^


Isn't there a story of too important a resolution or other?

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On the off chance you wouldn't have chosen the wrong units?


What makes your room much too big in terms of scale??


If 100 meters turned into 100km, it gives this kind of error....

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Haven't updated DraftSight recently?

If so, try to reinstall the old version.

If not, try to install the latest version.

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On this forum they talk about the same thing.

Good luck.


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So, I still can't export this file, I don't know if I have problems with my workstation or other? ... I tested the method given in the link of @Christian... Nothing to do.

I tried to uninstall Draftsight but I have a problem with another of my questions which was about a network drive problem... Basically the uninstallation worked but I can't reinstall Draftsight, it gives me an error message "The M:\ drive is inaccessible... "I'll see with my network support how to do it... As soon as I managed to reinstall Draftsight, I'll keep you posted.

PS: I'm in the Top Contributor, yes^^

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Well, I solved my network drive problem and @PL had advised me, by uninstalling and reinstalling Draftsight, I don't have any more problems!

Thank you all for your answers! ;)



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