Problem of exporting an assembly in step


When exporting to a step of an assembly, the step is empty despite the assembly that contains parts. My assembly contains the function of repeating parts with a curve. I think it's due to that. 

Has anyone ever had the problem and is there a solution? 


And if you save your assembly in part and do an export does it work?


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From the assembly, by trying the different STEP export options:

It doesn't change anything?

is your assembly resolved (everything is active inside)

nothing in light big assemblies)

@+ ;-))

Question: Won't it tighten your step opening that is causing problems?

Because I have the same problem when I do an IGS and I want to open it again.

It turns out that I have 3 versions installed on my computer, one 2013, 2014 and 2015 (depending on the customer, it may be necessary to use one or the other)

Well it's my import settings that were causing problems on my 2013 version of the cost my step was always empty while on the 2014 and 2015 it opened.


By clicking on Option in the Open menu I have this:
