Problem edition family of SW2017 parts. SP3

I opened the room and then re-recorded.

Get it back and open   it to see.

On the other hand a question comes to my mind ====>how can I open 2017 with a 2016???

may the force be with you.


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The piece had to be created on the 2016 version and was not registered under the 2017 version


indeed  @ Yves.T  it's an  explanation.


may the force be with you.

Ah, so maybe by recording the song in 2017 and recreating the links it could unlock the update.

Hi all

indeed the piece was created in SW2016, but I recorded it in SW2017 and same problems.

On the other hand the file sent by OBI WAN worked, I was able to open the part family with SW...

... until I try to link the Excel file to the share and attached the message.

Then delete the part family in the tree view...


This means that I have to redo all the families of parts in "automatic creation" (~95 parts ☺!!).

Not being able to create the link with the file, I will also have to test the program, see if everything will follow?!

By the way, when I launch the program it bugs on opening files:

Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Wax_Bague measure. SLDPRT", 1, 1, "", longstatus, longwarnings)

Thank you all for your help, I leave the question open in the hope of a solution that could avoid recreating everything.

I think the force is no longer with me today!!


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I arrive after the battle but...

Why not simply delete the existing table and rebuild a new one according to the existing configurations.

At worst it is still possible to recover the data from your old Excel table and export it to the new one.

In any case, it's the solution I use frequently (every time I install Solidworks or update the Office suites...).

Note: First of all, remember to save your part under the latest version of Solidworks installed.

Hello Maclane,

Indeed this is the solution I have been practicing since yesterday!

I just wanted to try to find a faster solution because of the multitude of parts to manage, and above all I wanted to understand the reason for the coment of this bug?!

I will also open a ticket on myCADservices and will keep you informed if other possible solution.

Thank you all.

Hi all

After asking MyCadServices, they found that the problem came from an Excel instance that did not always close.

So if anyone is experiencing the problem, look in the Windows Task Manager, and stop the Excel process that has been left open.

It wasn't much, but....! ☺

Thanks again to everyone for the time given to this problem.