Problem of material removal on cylinder

Hello, I need to do material removal on a cylindrical tube, I made a 3D sketch on the latter but it does not accept material removal. I need the material removal to follow the cylinder perfectly as in the attached photo. 

Anyone know how to proceed? 

Thank you



why not do your perpendicular removal

Easier to manage 



To do this I have to make a plane perfectly perpendicular to my cylinder I guess? I have a little trouble seeing otherwise how to do it.

Because in fact it is the part that rotates around the tool during machining. and so it changes angle constantly.

Thank you 

Hello @ Yohann

To do what @gt22 Simply sketch the end of the cylinder.
No need for a plan unless the removal was not at the end of the cylinder but somewhere where it would make a light.

==> selection of the face to the end of the cylinder ==> sketch ==> draw the sketch ==> remove material to the desired length.

Kind regards


Yes I see, but the problem is that it's not a simple removal of matter, there will be a radius and an associated tangent. That's where my big problem lies, if it was "straight" it would be like this indeed.  I tried with a swept material remover but it doesn't work.

Photo of what I want to achieve attached. 

Thank you for your help in any case. 

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Second photo for a better visual. 


I think that with the smoothing function and then the removal of material with surface it should be enough.


Good evening@Yohann

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you did not give us the right drawing in your first posts.

Moral, we answer aside!
After giving you better information (with comments) which allows @soring to make you a more appropriate suggestion.

Kind regards



Indeed my apologies for that. 

And finally I found the solution with the winding function that I didn't know. 

Thank you all for your help. 

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