Problem of material removal by scanning

Hello. My scan removal of material is blocked by the message: The scan could not be completed because it passes through segment #1....

How to know what this #1 segment is

Thank you and have a good day.

At the very least, for lack of a file, an image has come





An attached file would help in the understanding of your problem


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I want to dig into the shape for the fingers. My career path is therefore eliptical. See the 3 attached photos.


2nd image


3rd image 5 (I don't see how to send 3 images at once)


1st image


This type of part is done + easily via smoothing

you have to create X profile 

and X guide curves

and that each profile and guide curves is totally constrained 



Well at first I thought that the removal of material could not be done with a closed loop (ellipsis but it works perfectly.

So an ellipse in trajectory and a circle in the shape of a kidnapping work very well.

On the other hand, in your case, are the gray lines that we see above your ellipse in the same sketch as the ellipse? If so, put them in the construction line.

otherwise there is no reason why it should not work.

Which version of SW are you on? Can you send us the file so that we can try on our side?

Kind regards

Here is my review.


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I am under the 2014 Premium version. I have imitated your example without success. Attached is my file.


Well, the problem comes from the shape of your ellipse which is too tight, which makes it crash above a diameter of 24mm from your circle.

On the other hand I just saw that you can do a "circular profile" material removal which allows you to work only with the ellipse, you will see when increasing the diameter, arrived at 24mm there is a kind of bug but in this case it still works.

All that remains is to adjust your ellipse / circle diam shape.



I'll try that tomorrow and get back to you.

Thank you

it goes cream see attached image

I didn't touch anything at all


I just tried the FUZ3D manip. It doesn't change anything.

In the photo the error message.


I really don't understand

I pass by itself and without any modification

(even if I find the sketch43 section too important)

Take only what is highlighted in yellow

we don't touch anything else

and it works very well with your file and I repeat I haven't touched anything to your file




Sorry. Still the same problem despite modification


This is completely incomprehensible?????

I work without any problems 

I don't understand why with the same file without changing anything at home it works and not at yours 

you must have made a mistake somewhere 

Takes a screenshot With the scan material removal function without clicking on the green v with the image and options 

Here is...



Same for me, without touching anything it doesn't work.

For it to pass, I have to either put the width of the ellipse of the sketch 37 to 45mm minimum or the diameter of the sketch 43 to 20mm maximum.

Kind regards