Problem removing material on transition flounder


I am making a design on Solidworks 2020. The design consists of a series of cone trunks. I have to carry out a material removal.

The problem I realize is the removal of material, there is a surface left at the end of my sheet metal. (see photo)



How do you do your removal of material as showing the right of the photo.

Before doing the removal of material can you do a collision detection I have the impression that you have cone trunks that are intervening if I see the artifacts on the image.
That said, the removal of material should not leave any residue but it is difficult to tell you why without having the 3D model and without the vision of the tree of creation.

Kind regards

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Hello Zozo_mp,

To begin with, thank you for your answer,

For the removal of material from I use: the Extruded Material Removal function tab, then convert the entity I created on a 3D sketch.

it can be more meaningful in photos

Kind regards



If I understood correctly, it is of course the first step, namely after removing the material, that you have unwanted pieces of sheet metal.

It is these weird residues that prevent you from doing the next step "convert the entity".

That's right!

I suggest that you do one revolution removal instead of one perpendicular plane. Just to see if the problem of residual bits persists in their error. As it's not the same logic of material removal, it's worth trying (not the same part of the program that does the removal)

Kind regards

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The residue doesn't prevent me from doing the other steps, because I convert the sketch from my 3D sketch which serves as my skeleton.

I carried out a test by checking and unchecking the normal material removal, by unchecking this option the visual rendering is suitable, but the problem is that I don't unfold my cone trunk. But by checking this option I have the residue present but I can develop this cone trunk.

I asked the question to find out if I used the right tool and if it has ever happened.

I'm going to try your technique.

Kind regards.




You do the material removal in the part or in the assembly because you can do it in it and propagate the removal to the parts.

Well done dear @ac cobra 427     ;-)

Hello ac cobra 427,

I remove material from each piece.

I'm going to try the removal of material from assembly.

@Zozo_mp I tested with material removal with revolution, it's the same problem as when unchecking the normal material removal box. That is to say the viseul and top rendering. But the problem is that I can't develop my cone trunk.

Thank you for your involvement in my problem.

I tried the technique of @ac Cobra 427

The photo on the left here is the configuration before the validation of the function,

The photo on the right when I try the unfolded state.

If you want to try I will pass you the file once I have finished two or three things.


Can you post the file for me to  test tomorrow?

@ac cobra427 yes there are no problems, in pack & go?

Attached is the pack & go file.

It works, I'll look tomorrow morning

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Hello @resam 

After testing on your part, I managed to correct the problem area on the T2 2 part.
I used the "DeleteFace" function with option n°2 in the settings, to delete the "buggy" song
In itself, it is probably not the best solution but it allows you to troubleshoot a problem with the software

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I don't have too much time to understand  why, but if  you do a Boolean operation to subtract one body from another, it works.

may the force be with you.


Hi all

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

@Pierre S I used your solution.

@OBI WAN I will look into your solution once I have been able to extract the dxf.

Thank you again to all