Problem with registration

When I try to save a part file, SOLIDWORKS shows me a rather unpleasant message...:


An unknown error occurred while accessing ... "File Path"


How can I get around the problem?

I tried to record under the room but nothing to do, I have the same problem.




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If you are recording to a network drive. Test on your hard drive.

What is the version of SW?

Hello, files are sometimes corrupted, if a save or a composition to take with you locally (on the desktop) does not work, you can try to recover the automatic save file. Otherwise, there is no solution.
To find out if automatic backup is set up and in which folder it is done:

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Yes it looks a lot like a network loss and so if you really don't want to lose what you did on the part, do "file/save-as/" and save your file on your computer's hard drive.

If not, if the network has reconnected, you must re-register and replace the part on the network with the same part.

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It happens to me a few times at work, it's for me, always related to a loss of network.

To check if the network is lost, just open a window with Windows Explorer to the place where your documents are saved on your network. If you can't access it through windows, it's due to a network outage.


Normally there are also temporary files that start with a dollar and are hidden. If it is possible to recover these files, they can be renamed to see at what stage of the design they were created.

When recording on the desktop, does it do the same thing?

Good news! Corrupted file! Impossible to recover the backup, impossible to save the copy and impossible to make a composition to take away!

All you have to do is redesign!


Have you tried to save on the desktop or do the checks that you have been told?

It is a pity that you have given yourself the best answer.

It seems to me that @.PL's answer was correct.

It doesn't reward people who took the time to try to solve your problem...


We all make an effort to have the Samsumg Galaxy S5 !!

(What everyone thinks but no one really says^^)

But it's good because it's the goal of the Lynkoa site to reward what contributes to the progress of the site!!


Wouldn't it be by chance a Sw 2014 file that you recovered to save in 2015?


The same thing happened to me, I had to start all over again...


@remrem, I don't know enough about the network to be able to know what one action rather than another implies.

Thank you @.PL for your answer.

That's why I specified it...

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