Problem between an already open excel and publisher configuration

Hi all 

I'm currently working on assembly standardization using the configuration publisher tool, so far everything is fine, all my assembly catalog has been successfully created .

On the other hand, when I create a new assembly, I insert my subset, I configure it and when I validate it, if I have another random excel file open it doesn't work and it shows me the following message: cf pj

If I don't have any excel file open it works...

Do I have to close all my excel files before using the configurator in a new assembly? 

Thank you for your answers 

Kind regards


If another instance of Excel is open, it often happens to encounter problems indeed (same problem with a different message with bend loss table on Excel)

It is difficult for SW to know which instance to use, hence the importance of closing the other instances first.


Hi sbadenis

Thank you for your answer, so no solution to this problem unfortunately? 

Isn't there a way to know which instances SW uses? 

The solution is not to have another Excel open, no better solution unfortunately.

Be careful, a preview of an Excel workbook from the file explorer is equivalent to opening a new instance
(Windows often has trouble closing this instance)....


Ok too bad! 

Thank you for your answers!