Solidworks EPDM Issue When Changing State


I have a problem with some of my SOLIDWORKS parts. I want to change their state to make them a "family room" outside, SOLIDWORKS tells me that the conditions for transitions are not met.

I have no idea where it comes from, especially since 5 minutes before I did it for other parts and without any problems.

Do not hesitate to ask me questions if I am not clear enough in my words.

Thanking you in advance,

Have a good day to you.


It's going to be complicated to answer you, we don't know your workflow or your parts or your transition conditions or your rights by users and/or by group...

Kind regards

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First of all, thank you for answering quickly and I must specify that I am new to solidworks because before I only worked with CATIA. 

So sorry but what is a workflow? As for the pieces, I unfortunately can't show them because I'm bound to secrecy for them... for the user rights there is no problem, I have all the rights on these parts as well as on the PDM.

And for the transition conditions, that's where my problem lies, since I modify the states of parts 100 times a day sometimes and I've never had any problems, except this time on a few parts and I don't understand why at all.

I tried to update them, to check that there is not the slightest problem inside them but nothing to report I admit that now I am dumped I have no idea what to do..

Kind regards


In Solidworks PDM Administration

=> Workflow
Open your workflow
edit the transition in question
Go to the "Conditions" tab

And look at the conditions here, your file must not respect them to get the message you have!
If you can't find it, send a screen imrpim

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@Michael DELACOTE: You still need to have rights on the administration tool, which I don't think so in this case since the notion of worklow doesn't seem to speak.

To answer the question, you must therefore discuss with the administrator what are the conditions that could block the change of state.

Since the 2018 release, it is also impossible by default to change the state in the explorer of an assembly when a part or an assembly within it is opened in SolidWorks (probably the same as in 2019).

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Absolutely, ask your PDM administrator

Also, the lock can be disabled via the PDM administration, you just have to tell it that the error messages do not block the transition.


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Yes, I forgot to specify that it was deactivable, but on the 2018 only in the user settings. If you change this parameter in a group, it doesn't go back to the user's profile (long live bugs).

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