Problem extrusion on bent part


I am working on a stainless steel angle, this angle has several folds and in the middle a rather peculiarly shaped slot that allows me to assemble another angle (to make a cross assembly). There are also various piercings.

All cuts (slitting, drilling) will be executed by laser after folding.

For the modeling of this angle iron, I use the "Folded base sheet" function with an open sketch to generate the profile. Then various extrusions.

My problem concerns the extrusion of the slit, I created a plan at the base of my sheet metal and then I sketched the shape. After extrusion in the folded profile I have quite strange shapes in some places (see attachment) I imagine that it has something to do with the notching...

So I can't get rid of these forms. I think solidworks sees extrusion before bending, whereas it is done after bending independently on a 3-axis laser.

I'll put you in the attachment the sw file!

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance for your help,









see if it's good, you have to play with the configuration with the Default and the SM-FLAT-PATTERN to have the final piece and unfold it. I also unchecked the box for normal material removal.



That's exactly what I needed, thank you very much for your help!

Have a good Sunday,


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Not to blame, good Sunday to you too. I suspected it because I do more or less the same things...