Problem family of part excel link

Hi all!

I am starting to automate simple assemblies with families of parts.

Yesterday I did some tests and everything worked very well. Today, nothing works.

I have an assembly driven by a family of parts (removal or not of a component)  with two components also controlled by a family of parts (dimension / materials). 

All my families of parts are on Excel different from external to CAD but linked to the CAD file.

All these parts families (excel) are automatically populated by a single excel file.

My problem is that yesterday when I started my assembly it updated all the components according to the families of parts and today it launches as it was registered without loading the families of parts. 

A second problem can be related to the first is that when I open a component and I go to edit the part family I am forced to select each cell and press enter for it to update, while the external Excel file is already up to date.

If anyone knows how to make the components and assembly update automatically?

I haven't changed anything since yesterday!!

Another question: Is it also the best solution to control via Excel an assembly with components changing dimensions?

Thank you




I don' t think I can help you with your Excel problem, but I would advise you to take a look at the DriveWorks technology if you are interested in automating your designs.

DriveWorksXpress is the entry-level, completely free version included in all versions of SOLIDWORKS.


Have you looked at a Windows upgrade that makes you stutter?

A long time later, but to close the subject if someone encounters the same problem

The solution was quite simple, you have to make sure that the date  of registration of the parts is less recent than that of the excel file of the family of parts