Problem closing solidworks files


Since recently, I have had a problem with certain types of solidworks files, something that was not a problem for me before on the same files.

Let me explain.

These files are of origin". IGS". , in any case it's only with them that I encounter this problem of closure, I think temporary ... we have a library with lots of IGS, so transforming them all would waste a lot of time, that's why I'm looking for another solution...

The IGS is transformed into a part with an "imported" function in the feature manager, so I save it in part afterwards, I make assemblies or not with ..

Then when I open it in the future, these files are grayed out, and SW tells me that "the file is already opened by another user... Do you want to open it in read-only?" I answer yes, and then "a major error has occurred.. blah blah" ... impossible to use it again, even by doing an rx, restarting my pc, CCleaner .... etc I have passed everything, I cannot reopen these files ..

What makes me think that it's a question of temporary files is that once all the windows of SW are closed, I can't delete these files from the folder, I have to close SW to delete them...

The only solution I have found for the moment to solve my problem, at least for the moment it works, is to open the IGS, to do a recognition of function, which takes some time ... and to record it in pieces...

I am on SW 2017, some files I used before, I opened them in SW 2014 at that time and had never encountered this problem....

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance:)



Hello Fab Camp ;-)

I guess you do that outside of PDM.

Are you on a network or on an individual workstation?

Kind regards


Can you post a piece or two in IGS format that we can try on our own?

For " so transforming them all would waste a lot of time " What is the amount of IGS files to process because it can perhaps be done automatically (and in hidden time) by a macro (or program)?

Kind regards


Thank you for your answers;)


So I thought like you Zozo at the beginning, because the department that manages our IT wanted us to work directly on the network.

I have an individual workstation license, but apart from the installation of SW, all my projects, parts etc are on the network and not on the disk of my pc itself.

So I thought like you, but only, my colleague who goes to get these parts that is causing me problems, does not have this problem, he works like me with the difference, that he does not have an individual post license.

And no, we don't have PDM.

To answer you D.roger, the IGS I tested are either products like lindapter, or handles from another manufacturer, and are stored a bit randomly. but I can be a taker of your maccro to test qd even ...

But I think there's a good problem with closing temporary files.

I noticed it again this morning with this time a file part.

Without closing Sw, I had replaced a part but in another config it still showed me the old one ... forced to close SW and reopen it so that my correct part is displayed in all configs ...


I repaired SW yesterday ... in vain...


Small correction, my colleague called me back... after several tries on the network he had the same problem as me ... not on his record directly... but on the other hand if I copy an IGS on my PC, I still have this problem and not with all IGS in the end, even from lindapter ...^^


Good evening

We would have to see with the computer scientist who set up the network and especially the rules for updating the files or the DBMS.

There must be a dark history of indexes updated in real time or in batch. It all depends on how managed the files, the security in place and the update rules. Only the computer scientist will be able to help you AMHA.

Unless one of our burly Maouss of the forum tells you that it's such and such a thing. They are fortiches but no maybe not read your post yet :-) :-)


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Thank you Zozo, what do you call DBMS?


OOooopsss sorry for the jargon :-)

DBMS, database management system.

Either you have flat files like for example when you manage files directly under windows. No intelligence between files like when you put your PRT files in a directory.

Either it's a little better, or very sophisticated: when it's managed by a database where everything is much more structured and undefined.

PDM probably uses a DBMS

Kind regards

Okay, I'll look into this, but I'm not using PDM.

I'll keep you posted, but the infor box doesn't come back before January it seems to me ...



It would also be good to check if you are an admin on your workstation and if you and your colleagues have read and write rights to the folders where the IGS files are stored.

FYI, each time an IGS file is opened, Solidworks also writes an .rpt file to the same folder as the IGS, or modifies it during a second conversion.

Probably the best solution is to convert all these files to SW files and then delete all these IGS files.

Kind regards


Thank you d.roger, but yes we are Admin and all rights in access. No changes for the moment, I'm waiting to see with the Infors in January... on Standby for the moment...


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