Body-Move Function Problem

Hi all

Following the update of my version of solidworks 2013 to 2014 (sp1), I have a problem with the "Body-Move/Copy" function.

In my design (file part), I imported external parts and therefore worked in multibody. The imported parts are positioned when they are imported by having checked the box "With the Move/Copy function"... So far no problem.

On the other hand, if I then decide to move a piece via the Body-Move/Copy later function in my tree, this function automatically goes back in my history and is visible in the body drop-down menu and not at the end of my history... which does not give the desired effect at all.

Attached is an image of the different steps and hope that this will help you understand my problem.

For your information, I didn't have this problem with solidworks 2013, the function applies bian where I was in the tree.

Thank you in advance,


yes but there you move a 170mm body in Y without copying it

so it is normal that it is positioned in this place

you have the same number of connectors

simply by doing a Q control should I think

Suppress your body 24 and keep the body 30

you don't add body

@+ ;-)


The switch to a later SP doesn't change anything?

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it is true as OptiSW says

It is advised and recommended not to work with a version below SP3

Bug fixes


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meci for your feedback.

@ gt22: my goal is to move the body 170 mm in Y without copying it. The problem comes from the function that is positioned under the body drop-down menu in the tree and not at the end of my history... I want this body-Move/Copy function to occur only at the end and not before.


@ OptiSW: I can't upgrade to the higher SP because we stopped our subscriptions to updates (too expensive for my small business), the last one I can install is SW2014 SP1


Thank you

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Maybe an evolution.

On the other hand, you can insert the body move function directly (i.e. without editing the part insert function), maybe (I can't test it yet) will be placed in the right place.

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@ stefbeno : that's exactly what I'm doing, I'm trying to insert a new body movement function without editing the previous one and this at the end of my history... but systematically the  new Body-Move function added is positioned directly at the level of the body (automatically goes up in the history)... It's incomprehensible!

By searching on the forum, I found exactly the same problem as the one I encounter, but still no solution except more or less simple workarounds... Is it a bug???

I remind you that it worked very well under my solidworks 2013 SP5...I regret my update !

Sorry the link given previously doesn't seem to work, to follow it it's HERE

I didn't remember that question...

I just did a test with SW2014 SP5, it seems to work fine: see PJ.

I'm afraid that you are facing a bug and given your inability to evolve, that you will be forced to use the workaround method provided by Benoit in the post cited (it is finally just one more function, it's the lesser evil).




I don't advise you, but you can maybe reinstall your previous SP version.