GdtAnalysisSupport.dll problem on SW 2014


Has anyone ever had and  managed to correct the problem?

I repaired SW 2014 but in vain, Every time I open my assemblies, I have to validate a window telling me that this file could not be loaded...

I have it in the files ...


You've already stopped SW then copy the whole folder and reopen the assembly then save it and see if it still does it... Or else do you have the automatic activity backup?? If so, you could test saving the assembly... And the last one; if you know how long it's been bugging, you can see if you have a system restore point that matches and run it...

I think that a repair of the software (by putting the installation CD back) may have to act.


Qd you tell me to copy the whole folder, I guess you're talking about the folder in which my assembly is located?

If that's the case, the problem is that it does it to me on all my assemblies... different projects.

And 2, it doesn't do it on another pc, for network folders ...

I think it comes from Solidworks or from a conflict with another software but I don't see which one. I haven't installed anything else since...

Alas, no, Alain... I did the manipulation, nothing at all, the file is there though... so I'm in the process of uninstalling cleanly and reinstalling... if it doesn't fix the problem of I'll call for support axemble ...

And if you rename it to .old for example and you get this file on another computer (the file may be present but corrupted).

And during the repair it would not detect the absence of this file.

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Otherwise I found this link to dig

Be careful, it's in English

Or in this post on lynkoa, there are solutions proposed.


Thank you Sbadenis for your answer all the same. I had already seen your second link but not the first.

As for replacing the file with another PC, I had already done it in vain.

The reinstallation has just finished and it seems to be working... at least for the moment... SINCE IT'S HARD ...

Thank you in any case for your answers.


I have already encountered this problem and it seems to me that it was due to a Microsoft update (KB 3072630). And that basically to solve this problem you had to uninstall Solidworks, disable this update, reinstall Solidworks and then reactivate the update.

If the problem comes back, maybe this track will be able to solve it. The procedure is attached.


thank you Drix, indeed it was a path considered but alas, I had already uninstalled it long before ... In vain