IMPORT DWG Issue -> Points That Are Outside the Modeling Field

Hi all

I've been trying to open a DWG file with Solidworks for some time, but in vain....

My problem is that it is a file of a building (quite large) and that I am trying to go through an opening on a plan or 2D sketch on a part, NOTHING WORKS!!

I have this error message: 27112 points were outside the modeling field. 99 entities could not be imported.

Has anyone ever had this problem?

I tried to change option by option, but nothing helps....

In advance, thank you!!

It looks like a unit problem, are you sure to select the right unit of measurement when importing? Can you provide us with the plan for testing? 

By default, it's in inches, so I tried in millimeters and meters, but it's still the same problem.....


I even worry about my side well if it can reassure you so the idea would be to shift the default origin because the one of the plan must be so far away that it tries to generate the model outside the limits of solidworks and therefore crashes :/

Ok, yes it reassures me!!

You mean the origin of the DWG model? (do the manipulation before on Drafsight or Autocad)?

Or try to create an object whose dimensions include (so roughly 200000x200000) your import before doing the import (by copying and pasting from Autocad to SW).

I haven't tested...


I managed to open it, but it still tells me that there are 50 non-imported entities. (On the other hand,  no problem with out-of-bounds points)

As said by MaD, we have to redefine the origin of the sketch. To do this, I chose a layer that covers the whole area, AA-00-EXT NETWORKS, and I put the origin in the middle. (See attached)

I hope this helps you.





Thank you very much, so that was the solution! replace the origin. I suspected it was something like that, but I didn't know that you could click the origin on the black insert.

Thank you again!!!!

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it works!

Thank you again!