Problem Import STEP or others


I'm having a problem importing Parts (STEP, Parasolid or others...) since I imported files in IFC format:

Every time I open an import file, instead of being in *.sldasm or *.sldpart format, it opens in *.asmdot format! Same problem when, in an assembly, I use the "form a sub-assembly" function with several parts... The whole thing is in *.asmdot format.

If anyone knows how to reset the normal setting, I'm all for it!

Thank you, have a good day!


Hi, try a save as and choose your extension, it should be fine, send a screenshot if possible. Kind regards


Have you tried to change your default assembly and part document templates in Tools, Options, Default Template.

For example, the original solidworks model is in:

C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2015\templates\Assembly.asmdot

Keep me informed 


Thank you gentlemen! You put me on the right track.

In fact, the template file *.asmdot contained the link of a lost part (from my import *. IFC of yesterday). By deleting this part and re-saving my empty template, everything is back to normal.

Thank you. Have a nice day.


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