MEP color printing problem

Hello everyone,

I have a printing problem that I can't seem to solve.

When I make a MEP of a welded mechanic, I put the projected views in wireframe and ISO views in shaded mode.

On the projected views I put a few lines in color. 
When printing on the HP plotter, projected views remain black, while ISO views are in color
If I make a PDF of the MEP, then everything is perfect, it prints correctly.
I looked in the SW settings and in the driver of the HP, I don't see anything wrong....
Any idea?



I think it's not possible because it seems to me that the wireframe mode can't have colors (it's a bit like a mesh).

This is the definition of the old wired mode (autocrad type) which is surely part of the first lines of code of SW 3D. Then they added some frills in the MEP that allows you to color some lines: but they forgot to change the program that generates the print. (the printing of a 3D  view is particularly crappy in SW except in the MEP and again).

If it's really important to you and you don't have too many lines to color then you have the solution to draw lines over the wireframe lines. These lines will be printed in color in your plotter because they will be considered as lines and not wireframe. Okay, it sounds a bit "" but you have to get the job done (as I say, it's when a bug becomes a feature).

Kind regards


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For me there is no reason why a line going to red for example is not printed in red on the paper having done it for a few years before going through the color of the layers (but here it changes color the whole piece and not just a part)

I redid the test on a simple rectangle by changing one of the sides to red and it prints well.


Try to generate a PDF of your plan and then print the PDF, maybe it will get around the problem.

Hello Pierre S

okay as long as you don't exceed the A4 or A3 grand max it seems to me for the PDF.  ;-)

Kind regards


Maybe look in the layout settings if the color options are indeed in automatic.

The PDF export does not take this into account, it has its own setting to export in color.

Good evening

Thank you all for your feedback

@Pierre S. As I say in my message, if I export in PDF it works perfectly... even in A1
@Fuz3d, I totally agree with you, especially since, and I forgot to say it, on my colleague's PC, it works perfectly. He has been doing this for years. We compared the print meters, no difference...
@zozo_mp, I still have a lot of lines to change, the layer trick is to try, I'll see if it works. But the result is the same, if the fact of putting a line in color is not printed.....
@cyril.f, yes the color options are on auto
I keep digging.....

Thank you
