Problem: I can't thicken a surface (here a bodywork)

Hello/Good evening,

A great car enthusiast, I make fictional cars inspired by the 60s. I'm currently working on a small project where I'm finalizing a bodywork. Problem: SolidWorks refuses to thicken surfaces. I sewed the different panels and sections together but still nothing. I attach a picture of the problem (here is the url:

Do you have an idea? I use the "thicken" function of the Bpssage/Base menu . Thank you for reading my message and for any replies. :/

Change the thickness for a beginning and see with different direction to thicken

The blue lines make me think of unjoined surfaces

or take your surfaces and shift them all outwards, sew them back if necessary (blue lines)



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Good evening

I don't know if you've ever seen that!! But just in case???


Manu: this is the one I use (see the image in url provided in my 1st message) but it doesn't work. That's my concern.

GT22: I tried different thicknesses and directions, always the same error message: "Could not offset the surface or the face could not be removed".

Sewing surfaces normally anointed them together, right? Otherwise, it could explain part of the problem.

However, it still refuses to thicken certain surfaces. However, it comes from a single smoothing function and not from a combination of several other surfaces.

What if you shift the faces and then close them? Could it work?

And then you can make it solid.

I'll try your solution, Manu. I'll keep you posted.

One remark in passing: the parts can be thickened one by one. On the other hand, the directly adjacent surfaces cannot be damaged afterwards.

OK it works. Keep me informed... Good luck with your project ;-) 

It didn't work!

If I make a different file for each surface and glue them all back together in an assembly, can this be considered? Knowing that in the long term I want to use the files (in .stl as a result) for 3D printing!

Yes, you can make a file for each surface and thicken them, then make an assembly and then after making this assembly you can make a part of it as OBI WAN has shown:èces-pour-ne-faire-quune

I think I'll go for this solution at first. One question though: when assembling the different sections of the "puzzle", how do you make each piece coincide perfectly? There is no "surface constraint" of memory? Should I plan something more?

I'll try tomorrow, with a rested head. I will keep you informed. :)

If you thicken them one by one and make an assembly of them, you can constrain them on edges and stitches on each side. There it should be fixed.

Generally speaking, when SW refuses to thicken a surface, it means that one of the faces would disappear during the operation. To illustrate we can imagine 2 planes linked by a radius of 1mm, if we ask for a thickness of 2mm, the system no longer knows what to do with the radius.

For the assembly method: if they are all modeled in the right place (using the current file), you can simply assemble by the origin.

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Hello this forum is not very young but here I explain my problem, I have to model the shell of a car for a project in which my team and I participate, I had to thicken my shell and I then carried out the steps of this forum and create an assembly with my parts but I can't constrain them together is this normal?


To simplify, you can create plans adapted to your functional surfaces that will then be in contact. Then use plane constraint with the assembly function's paperclip.